Now showing items 3418-3437 of 11332

    Enso and PDO climate variability impacts on regional Missouri crop yields [1]
    ENSO and PDO related variability in seasonal range prediction for the Bolivian Altiplano region in South America [1]
    ENSO and PDO-related variability in South Pacific circulation patterns and seasonal range prediction for Bolivia in South America [1]
    Entangled collaborations : a study of cross-disciplinary research collaboration in the field of user experience and data-intensive technologies in campus cyberinfrastructure [1]
    Enterobactin export in escherichia coli via P43 (ents) and associated components [1]
    Enterprise resource planning implementation in higher education [1]
    Entrainment and transport of coarse stream bed material in a fluviokarst watershed, south-central Missouri : a tracer particle study [1]
    Entrepreneur negotiation schema [1]
    Entrepreneurial leadership in higher education: Does the presidential career pathway make a difference? [1]
    Entropy generation and thermal performance of a pulsating heat pipe [1]
    Entropy minimization, convergence, and Gibbs ensembles (local and global) [1]
    Entry biases in Cournot markets with free entry [1]
    Envelopment of a fibroblast growth factor 21 assay [1]
    Environmental analysis of pathology laboratory patient service centers: a pattern of language approach [1]
    Environmental and human impacts on off-target movement of dicamba [1]
    Environmental and medical applications of molecularly imprinting polymer sensor for the detection of progesterone [1]
    An environmental assessment of sensor-based variable-rate nitrogen management in corn [1]
    Environmental discourse and cultural identity on American waterways : regional folklore, folk practice, and natural responsibility [1]
    Environmental drivers of Northern bobwhite fall and winter survival and resource selection in Southwest Missouri [1]
    Environmental education in mid-Missouri : needs and constraints influencing field trip participation of K-8 teachers [1]