Now showing items 3401-3420 of 11332

    Enhancing efficacy, performance, and applicability of additive food manufacturing [1]
    Enhancing methanol electro-oxidation by double oxide incorporation with platinum on carbon nanotubes [1]
    Enhancing microbiological safety of water and food [1]
    Enhancing Missouri agritourism: a comprehensive evaluation of visitors' intrinsic motivation, environmental behavior, and satisfaction [1]
    Enhancing network intrusion detection through robust machine learning models : a comparative analysis [1]
    Enhancing network-edge connectivity and computation security in drone video analytics [1]
    Enhancing privacy and security within social networks [1]
    Enhancing the IKE preshared key authentication method [1]
    Enhancing the mechanica and durability properties of cement mortars by using alumina nanocoating on carbon nanofibers [1]
    Enhancing the printability of food inks and the structural stability of 3D-printed food through additive food manufacturing [1]
    The enigmatic thirteen micron feature [1]
    Enjoyment of trails: a flow-based study of contiguous signage recall [1]
    Enlarging the possibility space for scientific model-based explanation [1]
    Ensayo de memoria: el empobrecimiento y la recuperacion del ensayo en el contexto de la revolucion cubana. [1]
    Ensemble acoustic modeling in automatic speech recognition [1]
    Ensemble methods in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition [1]
    Ensemble video object cut in highly dynamic scenes [1]
    Enso and PDO climate variability impacts on regional Missouri crop yields [1]
    ENSO and PDO related variability in seasonal range prediction for the Bolivian Altiplano region in South America [1]
    ENSO and PDO-related variability in South Pacific circulation patterns and seasonal range prediction for Bolivia in South America [1]