Now showing items 1830-1849 of 5192

    Examining communication patterns of multinational corporations during the 2008 summer Olympic games in Beijing [1]
    Examining dissolution procedure effects on trace and rare earth element concentrations and U/Pb ages in conodonts [1]
    Examining how skin tone influences Black father daughter relationships [1]
    Examining measures of schizotypy for racial and gender bias using item response theory and differentiral item functioning [1]
    Examining media coverage of the subprime mouurtgage [sic] phenomenon [1]
    Examining multicultural counseling competencies among racial/ethnic minority and international psychological trainees [1]
    Examining perceptual load capacity in Autism Spectrum Disorders and trait anxiety [1]
    Examining the association between extreme drinking and prefrontal cortex functioning in young adults [1]
    Examining the associations between respiratory sinus arrhythmia in the lab and craving and drinking alcohol in daily life [1]
    Examining the beliefs of pre-service teachers in agricultural education toward the use of inquiry teaching : a grounded theory study [1]
    Examining the comorbidity of boderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in a community sample [1]
    Examining the effectiveness of a variable momentary differential reinforcement of other behavior procedure on reduction and maintenance of problem behavior [1]
    Examining the effects of the Hosty v. Carter decision and prior restraint on the collegiate press : a qualitative study [1]
    Examining the impact of Beijing 2008 Olympic games on foreign news coverage on China : a content analysis [1]
    Examining the provision of child care subsidies across Missouri counties : the relationship between local dynamics and CCDF subsidy supply [1]
    Examining the relationship between trust and online usage of news media [1]
    Examining the representation of women UN Women's Beijing+20 Campaign [1]
    Examining twitter engagement in newspaper sports beat reporters' live-game coverage [1]
    Examining visual cognitive complexity in the context of online women's magazine home pages [1]
    Exchange and settlement patterns as evidence for social stratification and developing complexity in prehistoric and early Christian Ireland [1]