Now showing items 4687-4706 of 5192

    Tailored optical properties of graphitic carbon nitride thin films via surface functionalization of growth substrates [1]
    Taking Root: The Route of the Broadcast Journalism Curriculum at the Missouri School of Journalism [1]
    A tale of two horses : origins and population genetics of two feral horse herds [1]
    Tall fescue seed production alley cropped in a hardwood tree plantation [1]
    A tall tower wind investigation of northwest Missouri [1]
    Tan A : a fluorogenic probe for thiaminase I activity [1]
    Tan B : [1]
    Tank contaminant and residual effects of dicamba [1]
    Target detection with morphological shared-weight neural network : different update approaches [1]
    Targeting effectiveness in digital healthcare advertising [1]
    Targeting the myofibroblast : new strategies in managing equine corneal fibrosis [1]
    Task driven extended functions of multiple instances (TD-eFUMI) [1]
    Taste biases : confounding sensory and label evaluations for yogurt [1]
    Tavocept (BNP7787) : a novel chemoprotector/sensitizer and radioprotector/sensitizer [1]
    Taxation and regulation of railways in Missouri [1]
    The taxation of railway gross receipts in Wisconsin [1]
    Taxonomic composition and distribution of saucer bugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae) of Tanzania [1]
    Taxonomy, taphonomy, and ecology of Silurian (late Telychian) conulariids from the Waukesha Lagerstatte, Wisconsin [1]
    Teaching English language learners scale (TELLS) : initial development [1]
    Teaching interns' level of proficiency of the MoSTEP quality indicators at the beginning and completion of the teaching internship [1]