Now showing items 38-57 of 86

    Human factors, automation, and alerting mechanisms in nursing home electronic health records [1]
    Impact of social competence as protective factor for violence resiliency [1]
    In the silence of her friends: a case study of the intersection of gender, race, age, and leadership in the dismissal of a public school superintendent [1]
    The influence of developing a web-based course on university professor classroom instructional techniques as measured by the MTQ [1]
    Influence of economic restructuring on rural Missouri high school dropout rates [1]
    Influence of racial identity and information processing strategies on client conceptualization [1]
    Influences of anxiety on golf performance: a field test of catastrophe theory [1]
    The innate immune response and toll-like receptors in the human endometrium [1]
    Investigation of a spatial optical pulse collection system in the all-optical analog-to-digital converter [1]
    The investment horizon issue in user-owned organizations [1]
    Mechanical properties of complex biological systems using AFM-based force spectroscopy [1]
    The military vici of Noricum [1]
    Multi-scale investigations of gray treefrong movements: patterns of migration, dispersal, and gene flow [1]
    Multimedia data transmission for mobile wireless applications [1]
    Neutron diffraction study of load response and residual stresses in WC-(Ni/Co) composites [1]
    Numerical investigation of load transfer mechanisms in slopes reinforced with piles [1]
    On the spectra of Schrödinger and Jacobi operators with complex-valued quasi-periodic algebro-geometric coefficients [1]
    Optimum receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communication [1]
    P2Y2 nucleotide receptor up-regulation and function in submandibular gland epithelium [1]
    P2Y[subscript 2] nucleotide receptor up-regulation and function in submandibular gland epithelium [1]