Now showing items 160-179 of 329

    Investigation of resistance to Heterodera glycines (scn) in soybean plant introductions (pi) 467312 and 507354 [1]
    Invitational leadership in public schools [1]
    Isolation, characterization, and diagnosis of murine noroviruses, a newly recognized pathogen of mice [1]
    Job satisfaction and stress among Missouri public school superintendents [1]
    A justified system of intellectual property rights [1]
    Keeping your eyes on the prize versus your nose to the grindstone : the effects of level of goal evaluation on mood and motivation [1]
    Kinase-interacting FHA domain of kinase associated protein phosphatase : phosphopeptide interactions and NMR-detected dynamics [1]
    Korean ece teachers' strategies for addressing challenging behavior [1]
    Laughter and other lies [1]
    A leadership approach to using technology to enhance organizational learning and the creation of a knowledge-centered culture in this school district [1]
    Leadership challenges to public secondary school principals in the era of education reform and cultural unrest in border provinces of southern Thailand [1]
    Like dancers following each other's steps : an analysis of lexical cues in student writing for differing audiences [1]
    Links between language, gesture, and motor skill : a longitudinal study of communication recovery in adults with Broca's aphasia [1]
    Lipid mediators in the development and resolution of experimental lyme arthritis [1]
    The logic of decisions in militarized disputes : the effect of regime, power, arms contorol [sic], and airpower on decision-making in militarized disputes [1]
    Longitudinal assessment of age-related change in the dental pulp chamber and age estimation using dental radiographs [1]
    Maintaining cross-domain objects and features in working memory : implications for storage in models of working memory [1]
    Maladaptation of cardiac and skeletal muscle in chronic disease : effects of exercise [1]
    Man on extremely small island [1]
    The many faces of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe : examining the Crusoe myth in film and on television [1]