Now showing items 5-24 of 25

    Evaluating alginate and organic acids for restructured carp intended for zoo animal and human diets [1]
    Feed intake component of fescue toxicosis during short-term exposure to thermoneutral and heat stress conditions [1]
    Geochemistry and fluid evolution of a carboniferous-hosted sphalerite breccia deposit, Isle of Man [1]
    Hypochlorous acid stimulates heme oxygenase-1 gene expression in human endothelial cells [1]
    Influence of streambed substrate type and watershed properties on seston algal abundance [1]
    Interviews with founders of twenty-four-hour local cable news channels: why and how they started the business [1]
    Intra-nacc adenosine and its role in mediating palatable food intake: interactions with striatal opioids [1]
    Is maturing out of problematic alcohol involvement related to personality change? [1]
    Mere shadows of human forms: intersections of body and adaptation theories in six screen versions of Jane Eyre [1]
    Observed positive and negative behaviors in children: relation to anxiety and depression symptoms [1]
    On the relationship between generalized covariance union and the minimal enclosing ellipsoid problem [1]
    Optically enhanced nano-forest cathodes [1]
    The route to persuasion: gaining/maintaining local support for the hometown Air Force mission [1]
    Spectroscopic investigations of acrylodan dye interactions with poly(amidoamine) and poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers [1]
    Spectroscopic investigations of dendritic polymers as molecular containers [1]
    A structural model of organization - and clinician-specific factors that predict standardized measure use among child and adolescent clinicians [1]
    Synthesis and application of semiconductor quantum dots in novel sensing applications [1]
    Synthesis of silyloxyacrolein for [4+3] cycloaddition and preparation of carbonate closomer [1]
    Testing a model of resource assessment as a basis for developing strategic communication plans [1]
    That wasn't funny!: the critical humor of Otto Dix in Weimar Germany [1]