The relation of the size of seed to the character of plant produced
Text taken from pages 1 and 2 of this thesis: During the past fifty years a number of investigators have reported results on the relative value of heavy and light or large and small seed grain. Each investigator has devised a some what different method, altho all have worked with the same general point of view in mind. Montgomery (I9IO) has classified the various methods used at different Stations as follows--Methods of selecting seed. 1. Hand selection. 2. Machine selection. 3. Specific gravity selection. In this paper the literature has been divided into three groups--First, where equal numbers of large and small hand selected seed were grown in pots. Second, where equal numbers of large and small hand selected seed were sown in plats at the usual rate of seeding. Third. where separation was made by machine and the results compared with checks, or where no checks were used the large and small seed were compared.
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