Recent Submissions

  • Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) insurance in Missouri 

    Rocha, Adauto Jr.; Milhollin, Ryan (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Forage and livestock producers can buy insurance to mitigate forage production risk due to lack of precipitation. Pasture, rangeland, forage (PRF) insurance was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Risk ...
  • Leasing land for solar energy development (2024) 

    Milhollin, Ryan; Tsay, Juo-Han (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Leasing land to develop utility-scale solar energy farms is becoming more common in Missouri. Renewable energy developers are proposing leases to Missouri farmland owners near select transmission lines and substations. ...
  • Cash rental rates in Missouri (2024) 

    Brown, Ben; Tsay, Juo-Han; Neuner, Katie; Plastina, Alejandro (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that 9.7 million acres of Missouri agricultural land was rented to farmers in 2022. To help both landowners and farmers make informed decisions about rental arrangements, ...
  • Farmland values for midwestern states (2024) 

    Milhollin, Ryan (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) conducts a survey of farm real estate values each year and calculates the average value per acre for each state. The following tables ...
  • Hydroponic farming 

    Cabrera-Garcia, Juan; Milhollin, Ryan; Ernst, Matt (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) describes approaches to growing crops under managed environments in order to optimize resources and productivity. Many different crops can be grown in CEA systems, which control the ...
  • Buying a horse (2024) 

    Deering, Shawn; Picking, Elizabeth; Schreck, Brenda (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Purchasing a horse should be well planned and carefully thought out. For most people, this will be a significant investment and therefore it should not be handled in a rushed manner. The cost of horse ownership does not ...
  • Strip-grazing milo as a low-cost winter forage 

    Lee, Rusty; Kientzy, Drew; Bailey, Eric (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Minimizing the cost of winter feed is a key element of profitability on most pasture-based livestock operations. Baled dry hay is the industry standard for feeding cattle and small ruminants throughout the winter. Challenging ...
  • Tomato (high tunnel) planning budget 

    Tsay, Juo-Han (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns for raising tomatoes in a high tunnel. Table 1 presents estimates for Missouri based on price forecasts in March 2024. Production is assumed in 2,000 square ...
  • Microgreens planning budget 

    Ale, Manita; Cabrera-Garcia, Juan (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns for microgreens. Table 1 presents estimates for Missouri based on price forecasts in March 2024. Production is assumed in an greenhouse on a stainless steel ...
  • Beekeeping planning budget 

    Milhollin, Ryan (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns of beekeeping. Table 1 presents estimates for Missouri based on price forecasts in March 2024. Detailed assumptions and capital investments are summarized in ...
  • Missouri farmland values 

    Milhollin, Ryan; Tsay, Juo-Han (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Individuals and businesses often need an estimate of the value of a piece of land. A properly done appraisal provides the most accurate estimate of a piece of land’s value. Appraisals attempt to estimate value from comparable ...
  • Evaluating direct-to-consumer marketing opportunities for local beef in Missouri 

    Kientzy, Drew; Lutes, Jennifer; Hefley, Jake (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Many consumers seek high-quality beef from local sources. Beef producers considering finishing cattle may choose to sell cattle into the commodity beef market or market live animals or packaged beef directly to consumers. ...
  • Selecting cover crop seeding machinery 

    Kientzy, Drew; Ellis, Charles; Massey, Ray (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    Cover crops are crops planted between periods of normal crop production, or between the rows of some crops, with the primary purpose of conservation or soil improvement. Most cover crops are not harvested, but some are ...
  • Pasture fence construction budget 

    Kientzy, Drew; Milhollin, Ryan (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2024)
    Constructing new fencing can be a large cost for landowners and livestock producers. However, the peace of mind and security provided by new pasture perimeter fences, interior dividing fences and sound corral facilities ...
  • Goats (late kidding) planning budget 

    Lutes, Jennifer (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    The meat goat budget is designed to reflect the economic costs and returns of a 50 doe, spring kidding herd (March and April) with kids marketed between 50 to 60 pounds in July/August. This management system takes advantage ...
  • Hog finishing planning budget 

    Rocha, Adauto; Brown, Scott; Safranski, Tim (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns of finishing hogs in Missouri. Table 1 presents estimates for a confinement hog finishing operation in Missouri that purchases 103 head of 40 pound pigs and ...
  • Farrow to finish swine planning budget 

    Rocha, Adauto; Brown, Scott; Safranski, Tim (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    Using this budget, farmers raising hogs from farrow to finish can plan their costs and returns in 2024. Table 1 presents estimates for a confinement farrow to finish operation in Missouri producing 23 pigs per sow per year ...
  • Feeder pigs planning budget 

    Rocha, Adauto; Brown, Scott; Safranski, Tim (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns associated with feeder pig production. Table 1 presents estimates for a confinement feeder pig operation in Missouri producing 23 pigs per sow per year and ...
  • Sheep (late lambing) planning budget 

    Lutes, Jennifer (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    The sheep budget is designed to reflect the economic costs and returns of a 50 ewe, winter lambing flock (December/January) with lambs marketed between 85 and 95 pounds in the following January. This management system takes ...
  • Sheep (early lambing) planning budget 

    Lutes, Jennifer (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
    The sheep budget is designed to reflect the economic costs and returns of a 50 ewe, winter lambing flock (December/January) with lambs marketed between 85 and 95 pounds in the following January. This management system takes ...

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