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dc.contributor.authorStarbuck, Christopher J.eng
dc.description.versionReviewed and reprinted 6/08/5M.eng
dc.format.extent8 pages : illustrationseng
dc.publisherUniversity of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Divisioneng
dc.relation.ispartofTrees, shrubseng
dc.relation.ispartofcommunityUniversity of Missouri--Columbia. Extensioneng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesG - Agricultural Guides (University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension) ; 06810 (2008)eng
dc.rightsArchive version. For the most recent information see extension.missouri.edu.eng
dc.rights.licenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
dc.rights.licenseProvided for historical documentation only. Check Missouri Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station websites for current information.eng
dc.subjectAmur corktree ; American hornbeam ; Asian white birch ; Chinese data ; Chinese elm ; Cucumbertree magnolia ; Dawn redwood ; Devil's walking stick ; European hornbeam ; Golden larch ; hardy rubber tree ; hophornbeam ; ironwood ; Japanese raisintree ; Katsuratree ; Paperbark maple ; Persian parrotia ; Pond cypress ; Nikko maple ; Sycamore maple ; Western soapberry ; Zelkova ; Amur Maacia ; Blackhaw viburnum ; Caolina silverbell ; Chinese witchhazel ; European filbert; Hoptree ; wafer ash ; Japanese snowbell ; Franklinia ; Japanese tree lilac ; Korean evodia ; Pawpaw ; red buckeye ; Siberian peatree ; Sourwood ; Stewartia ; Weeping mulberry ; white fringetree ; Bristlecone pin ; Cedar of Lebanon ; Concolor fir ; Cryptomeria ; Japanese red pin ; Lacebark pine ; Nootka falsecypress ; Serbian spruce ; Swiss stone pine ; Umbrella pineeng
dc.titleSelecting landscape plants : uncommon trees for specimen planting (2008)eng

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