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dc.contributor.authorMissouri Spatial Data Information Serviceeng
dc.contributor.editorUnited States. Bureau of the Census.eng
dc.coverage.spatialMissouri -- Newton Countyeng
dc.description.abstractNewton County maps from the 2000 census, including block outline maps, tract outline maps, and voting precinct outline maps.eng
dc.identifier.citationMissouri Spatial Data Information Service, 2000eng
dc.publisherMissouri Spatial Data Information Serviceeng
dc.relation.ispartofMissouri Census Tract and Voting District Maps (MU)eng
dc.relation.ispartofcommunityUniversity of Missouri-Columbia. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Geography. Missouri Spatial Data Information Serviceeng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMissouri Census Tract & Voting District Mapseng
dc.rights.licenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
dc.subject.lcshNewton County (Mo.) -- Administrative and political divisions -- Mapseng
dc.titleNewton County Census Tract & Voting District Mapseng

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