Animal Sciences electronic theses and dissertations (MU)
The items in this collection are the theses and dissertations written by students of the Division of Animal Sciences. Some items may be viewed only by members of the University of Missouri System and/or University of Missouri-Columbia. Click on one of the browse buttons above for a complete listing of the works.
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Recent Submissions
Behavior, reproduction, and development in confined swamp rabbits
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)"The data presented in this thesis were obtained from a study of confined swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) at the Clifford W. Gaylord Memorial Wildlife Laboratory. The Laboratory, which is operated jointly by the ... -
Alleviating the stress response in porcine embryos due to embryo culture
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)[EMBARGOED UNTIL 08/01/2025] Assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro production of porcine embryos, are a crucial part of biomedical and agricultural research. They can be used to create models of disease, to ... -
Effects of alkaloid exposure and environment on digestion, nutrient balance, and immune function in beef cattle
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)Fescue toxicosis is a complex condition in cattle caused by the consumption of ergot alkaloids produced by the endophyte (Epichloe coenophiala) that infects tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.]. Observable ... -
Functional analysis of porcine conceptus estrogens and prostaglandins in the maintainence of pregnancy in the pig : the two essential conceptus maternal recognition signals for preventing luteolysis
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)[EMBARGOED UNTIL 05/01/2025] Bazer and Thatcher's endocrine-exocrine model was the long accepted theory on achievement of maternal recognition of pregnancy in the pig. The endocrine exocrine theory states that, in the ... -
A cell atlas of swine immune system development
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)Swine are an agricultural species of global economic importance. Additionally, pigs are increasingly used as biomedical models for a range of human diseases as they share many physiological, metabolic, and developmental ... -
Nutrient partitioning in pregnant and lactating beef females
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)We investigated the impacts of late gestational nutrient restriction in first-parity beef females on prenatal and postnatal nutrient availability to the offspring. During late gestation, nutrient restricted dams lost ... -
Comparison of longissimus dorsi muscle and subcutaneous fat measurements and other measurements related to beef carcass retail yield
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1964)"Numerous methods have been developed to evaluate the composition and quality of beef carcasses. Several of these methods, such as complete dissection and chemical analysis of the entire carcass, are laborious and expensive. ... -
The effect of corticotropin on sodium metabolism in the teleost, Fundulus kansae
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1963)There are two approaches to the study of endocrinology of osmo-regulation in teleosts: (1) identification of hormones present and (2) determination of the effects of hormones on parameters associated with osmoregulation. ... -
Evaluating relationships among performance traits and body measurements in bulls from different preweaning management systems
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1982)"Use of performance testing programs in developing sound breeding and selection programs is well established. However, the shift of the 70's to larger framed, later maturing cattle has raised questions as to proper testing ... -
Ecology of prairie grouse on two sandhills refuges in Nebraska
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1964)This paper reports an ecological study of the plains sharp-tailed grouse (Pedioecetes phasianellus jamesi) and the greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus), on two national Wildlife Refuges in Nebraska. The ... -
Relationship between potassium content and composition of live lambs and subsequent carcasses
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1967)"The expected population increase over the next several years will likely result in an increased need for meat. This being the case, there will be a greater demand for more efficient production of meat. In the past emphasis ... -
A study of the distribution of dead and resorbing embryos in the rat uterus
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1961)"The characteristic method of elimination of a dead embryo from the uterus of a polytocous animal is by resorption. This involves an enzymatic digestion of the dead embryo la situ, the products of digestion being eliminated ... -
Reproduction and behavior in the Mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1968)"The Subfamily Gerbillinae is composed of ten genera (Simpson, 1945) and approximately 102 species. Representatives of this group are found throughout Africa, Central Asia, and Asia Minor. Within their range gerbils are ... -
Age determination and population structure in Missouri bullfrogs
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)"Detailed studies of the life history of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana Shaw) in Missouri were initiated by Moyle (1952). He investigated phenology of emergence, call, breeding, transformation, and hibernation; mobility, ... -
In vitro digestibility of cellulose and chemical composition of preferred foods of Missouri white-tailed deer
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1970)"The white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, is one of the very few wild animals that has benefitted from man's exploitation of North America. Lumbering and agriculture have increased deer range and numbers until today ... -
Host immune response to a bacterial toxin at single-nuclei resolution in the chicken
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)Understanding the intricate dynamics of the host immune response to a bacterial pathogen, including both the innate and adaptive systems, to a bacterial pathogen is crucial for improving our knowledge of avian immunology, ... -
Mapping copy number variants across the cattle genome
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)Copy number variation across individuals is known to be associated with traits such as gene expression, disease resistance, and other phenotypic variations. Due to improvements in accurately detecting genotypic variation ... -
Improving the value of pigs with severe combined immunodeficiency through novel transplantation
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)[EMBARGOED UNTIL 12/01/2024] Continual rapid advances in biomedical research necessitate the efficient development of animal models that translate findings from preclinical studies into the clinics. Traditional animal ... -
Discovery and phenotyping of the determinants and receptors of post-fertilization sperm mitophagy
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)[EMBARGOED UNTIL 12/01/2024] This thesis is concerned with two important aspects of sperm physiology -- mitochondrial health prior to fertilization and mitochondrial inheritance after fertilization. The factors and mechanisms ... -
A systems approach to deriving carcass value from Holstein x SimAngus cattle in an accelerated finishing model
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)[EMBARGOED UNTIL 12/1/2024] Beef x dairy has increased in popularity, altering the U.S fed beef supply. The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the effect of Holstein x SimAngus (Hol x SimAngus) breeding and ...