Now showing items 1-20 of 174

    The 1898 Reform Movement, Britain, and China: an examination of four British writers on British-Chinese relations 1895-1900 [1]
    Abiding in the fields : pastoral care and society in late antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England [1]
    Advocacy, human rights, and foreign policy : the case of Rwanda [1]
    Agenda S. Coloniensis : the exorcism rituals of Ferdinand von Bayern [1]
    Agriculture during the Reagan years [1]
    Airing equity : the impact of activism and federal policy on women in broadcast journalism, 1964-1985 [1]
    Aliens and apocalypticism: Christian End Times and alien conspiracy theories [1]
    Almanacs and American popular theology, 1730-1820 [1]
    Altar erected against altar: the impact of religious schisms in Missouri on the eve of the Civil War [1]
    Americanizing Africanization : the Congo crisis, 1960-1967 [1]
    Animals in ancient Greek warfare : a study of the elephant, camel, and dog [1]
    Antony's oriental policy until the defeat of the Parthian expedition [1]
    An arc of death : suicide, alcoholism, murder, accidents, and other early deaths in St. Louis, Missouri, 1875 to 1885 [1]
    Art as an interpretation of history during the Hellenistic Age [1]
    "The art of printing shall endure": journalism, community, and identity in New York City, 1800-1810 [1]
    At home in Babylon : Billy Sunday's revival team and evangelicalism in modern America / [1]
    At the edge of a dream : the mismanagement of Pruitt-Igoe, 1950-1980 [1]
    The battle for the bonus: world war i veterans and the debate for adjusted-compensation [1]
    The Bavarian model? : modernization, environment, and landscape planning in the Bavarian nuclear power industry, 1950-1980 [1]
    Becoming good girls and useful citizens: growing up poor, black, and female in Jim Crow era Missouri, 1909-1944 [1]