Now showing items 113-132 of 132

    Sociocultural attitudes as a moderator of the relations between negative eating and weight messages from family members and Latinas' body image shame [1]
    Stages of change, coparenting patterns, and post-divorce parent education programming : a pre-program assessment [1]
    Storied possessions : post-household disbandment older adult placemaking through meaningful belongings [1]
    Strengthening protective factors through parent-provider relationships : a study of family, friend, and neighbor child care settings [1]
    Symbolic play in low-income African American mother-toddler dyads : maternal behaviors and child outcomes [1]
    Testing a U.S. Mexican cultural value transmission model of maternal socialization of youth civic responsibility values and prosocial behaviors [1]
    Transition to Kindergarten: exploring concepts of worry, transition activities, and parent efficacy [1]
    Transmission of teen pregnancy attitutdes between mothers and adolscent daughters [1]
    Undergraduate human sexuality textbooks : coverage of STDs [1]
    Understanding nonresidential father-child relationship processes during emerging adulthood [1]
    Understanding nonresidential father-child relationship processes during emering [sic] adulthood [1]
    Understanding the development of low-income marriages : investigating the antecedents and outcomes of marital functioning [1]
    Understanding the experience of parents planning for the future care of adult children with autism [1]
    Unforgiven and depressed late in life : the protective factor of forgivingness [1]
    Unintended pregnancy among Christian women : the influence of religious factors and educational goals in resolution decisions and post-pregnancy adjustment [1]
    Unlearning the narrative: integrating relationship science and machine learning to identify the determinants of African American adults' romantic relationship satisfaction [1]
    Unveiling the influence of family of origin environment and relationship education programming on single adults' relational attitudes [1]
    US immigration policies: the lived experiences of international students with families [1]
    We're not living together: informal cohabitation in emerging adults [1]
    Workplace relationships and professional burnout among child life specialists [1]