Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (MU)
The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures offers undergraduate majors in French and Spanish, and minors in areas as diverse as Afro-Romance Literatures in Translation and Film studies. The graduate program offers masters degrees in French and Spanish as well as a doctoral degree French literature, Spanish literature, or Spanish-American literature. The Department has the country's only focus area in the field of Afro-Romance Studies. In order to facilitate research collaboration between faculty members working in this field and scholars outside the University of Missouri, the Institute for Languages and Literatures of the African Diaspora was founded. The Institute serves first and foremost to expose black writers of French, Portuguese and Spanish expression to a wider audience.
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Recent Submissions
Pouvoir discursif et voix subalternes : representations intersectionnelles du travail domestique feminin au cinema et a la television
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)Cette etude examine la representation du travail des femmes dans les metiers domestiques et de l'aide a la personne, en mettant en lumiere les experiences des femmes racisees, telles qu'exprimees dans des oeuvres ... -
Triste Deleytacion : studies on authorship and intended audience
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)Triste Deleytacion is a sentimental romance of the late XIVth century written in what is now Spain. Not being published until the 1980s, it has raised many questions regarding its intention, authorship or connection to ... -
La demystification des pretentions humanistes du colonialisme dans une vie de boy et le vieux negre et la medaille de ferdinand oyono
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)Since late 15th century, Europeans have conquered the world based on evangelization and civilization. According to their ideology, Africans, Caribbeans and other indigenous people were savages in need of Christianization ... -
L'ecriture hybride dans le roman francophone African et Antillais : resemblances et differences
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2003)The hybridity of the postocolonial novelistic writings from francophone Africa and Caribbean present many differences and few similarities at the linguistic and generic levels. Caribbean writers mix the French language ... -
La narrativa digital adaptativa en Condiciones Extremas y El primer Vuelo de los Hermanos Wright de Juan B. Gutierrez
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)[EMBARGOED UNTIL 5/1/2024] This dissertation analyzes the impact of the adaptive digital narrative mechanism in the narrative of Condiciones Extremas and El primer Vuelo de los Hermanos Wright by Juan B. Gutierrez. To ... -
The effectsof context on the acquisition of different types of idiomatic expressions in students of French as a second language at the intermediate level
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] Different factors come into play when understanding idiomatic expressions, such as their structures, the level of proficiency of the learners, and ... -
El proyecto de recontrucción moral espiritista de Luisa Capetillo: de la edificación del individuo a la comunidad global
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Esta investigación examina el espiritismo como filosofía moral en la narrativa de Luisa Capetillo (1879-1922). Mi propósito es demostrar que la autora construye su discurso ético utilizando como base el trabajo del francés ... -
Albert Camus en la obra Carlos Martinez Rivas y Charles Bukowski
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)This dissertation aims to shed light on the works of Carlos Martinez Rivas y Charles Bukowski from the perspective of a comparative analysis of their poetic production; the ethics and aesthetics of these authors inserted ... -
Ensayo de memoria: el empobrecimiento y la recuperacion del ensayo en el contexto de la revolucion cubana.
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)En esta disertacion hacemos un estudio amplio de las condiciones politicas e ideologicas que dieron lugar al empobrecimiento del ensayo en los tiempos de la Revolucion cubana de 1959, y de las primeras senas de recuperacion ... -
"Globalizacion: una aproximacion ecofeminista a la novela mexicana contemporanea escrita por mujeres"
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)La presente disertacion examina la representacion del impacto de la globalizacion y sus efectos daninos en el medio ambiente y la mujer en tres textos literarios escritos por escritoras mexicanas contemporaneas. La mujer ... -
Advances in medical infrared thermography
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)The association between illness and body temperature dates back to the beginnings of medicine. Over the last few years, infrared thermography has attracted increased attention in various medical applications due to ... -
El negro en Colombia: posición social y relación con su ambiente socioeconómico en las novelas Chambacú corral de negro y Socavón
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)The following doctoral thesis explores the historical and literary context in the novels Chambacú, Black Slum, Manuel Zapata Olivella and Socavón, Helcias Martan Gongora. The document is presented as an analysis of the ... -
Corridos en la guerra contra el narco : estéticas necropolíticas en México
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)Narcoculture has been considered a phenomenon of socialization that exists in territories where drug trafficking has become politically, socially, economically and culturally influential. In Mexico, the phenomenon has an ... -
Propaganda, masculinity, and the French interwar novel
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)My dissertation centers on literary representations of non-normative gender performances, the struggle around new gender norms, and the lived realities of gender in pre- and post-World War I- (WWI) era France. The novels ... -
Tragame tierra : El Caribe centroamericano en la ruta hacia el Old West
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2019)[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] El estudio titulado “Trágame tierra: El Caribe centroamericano en la ruta hacia el Old West” propone una lectura de la novela de Lizandro Chávez ... -
La constuccion de la nacion colombiana a traves de tres novelas sobre la colonizacion de Antioquia
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)Este estudio comparativo entre Tanta gente: una de las historias de la colonización antioqueña (2013) de Memo Ánjel, La casa de las dos palmas de Manuel Mejía Vallejo (1988) y Terrateniente (1980), analiza la manera como ... -
Vers une nouvelle colonisation : le Roman du dictateur Francophone Subsaharien et Caribeen
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)This study proposes to examine the representation of neo-colonialist governments in black Francophone novels. The dissertation examines the modes and means by which several post-independences writers depict, portray, ... -
Displaced voices and accentscapes in French and Francophone Sub-Saharan cinema : recasting, reshaping, and restoring identity (-ies) in transnational films
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)This study features notions of identity, language, integration, journeys of home seeking and homecoming, and the wanderings of homelessness. It explores displaced voices and the self-coined term "accentscape" in ten films ... -
Information and communication technologies : applications and benefits for second language acquisition
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2019)This paper aims to show how the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can help students achieve a higher degree of proficiency in a second language (SL), using these resources autonomously. Furthermore, I ... -
La representación de la literatura indigenista e indígena en dos obras Colombianas: José Tombé de Diego Castrillón Arboleda y En Defensa de mi Raza de Manuel Quintín Lame
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2019)This dissertation is a study of the Indian's problem that is depicted in the Andean narrative of Indigenist, Indianist and Indigenous literature and how the literary movement of Indiginism created a wave of reivindicative ...