The Department's undergraduate program broadly represents the fields of contemporary Political Science. Virtually all subfields are represented. While some specialized courses have immediate utility in practical settings, and we offer opportunities to link academic study with internships, the undergraduate mission of the Department is to impart the knowledge and intellectual skills that enrich lives and permit active citizenship. We take seriously the role of providing a civic leadership education. Graduate study in small seminars and faculty mentorship is designed to produce new generations of scholars and teachers who create and disseminate knowledge. The diversity of this faculty in substantive focus, theoretical orientation, and methodological skills provides a graduate experience that maximizes the opportunity for our PhDs to make distinctive contributions in their fields.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • The ambiguity of ideology and administrative reform 

    Tummala, Krishna Kumar (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1975)
    "The central question of this study is whether social and administrative reform has an essentially different character in developing as compared to developed nations. For example, if reform, in developing countries is ...
  • Miranda and the police : the impact of the Miranda decision in medium size Missouri cities 

    Long, Richard Wayne (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1973)
    The United States Supreme Court ruled in Miranda V. Arizona that persons questioned by the police, if they are in any significant way deprived of their freedom of movement, must be warned that they have a right to remain ...
  • Challenges to the American dollar hegemony 

    Sen, Omer Faruk (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    [EMBARGOED UNTIL 08/01/2025] The hegemony of the US dollar in the global financial system provides enormous leverage to the United States. As the structure of the international system moves toward multipolarity, there is ...
  • The party brand and economic voting 

    Shin, Victor Tae Hyak (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    Economic voting is both a normative prescription of democratic theory and a heuristic that voters use to make inferences about the government. While the model simplifies many of the requirements for accountability, it also ...
  • Foreign policy issue ownership, interstate conflict, and U.S. vote intention 

    Kopp, Heather Michelle (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    The literature on issue ownership shows that voters use ownership opinions when evaluating parties on salient issues. The audience costs literature shows that interstate conflict can significantly affect voter behavior. ...
  • From conflict to cooperation : settlements, alliances, and lasting peace 

    Acosta, William (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    This dissertation examines how conflict settlements influence alliance formation and the duration of post-conflict peace. The research addresses gaps in existing literature by focusing on how the nature of conflict ...
  • Peacemaking referendums in the Global South : assessing analytic narratives on the strategic inclusion of citizens to end intrastate conflicts in South Africa and Colombia 

    Aranzales Bonilla, Jhon Kelly (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    The use of peacemaking referendums in the Global South presents a conflicted dynamic. While these direct democracy mechanisms offer a path to legitimizing peace negotiations, they can also be a double-edged sword. They may ...
  • Immigration and social welfare : political institutions and personal interactions 

    Qi, Hang (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    [EMBARGOED UNTIL 05/01/2025] Previous studies indicate that there is a close relationship between immigration or immigration attitudes and the welfare state. For example, immigration or citizens' attitudes toward immigration ...
  • Reversing perspectives : rebel diplomacy, external support, and civil war outcome 

    Kim, Yu Bin (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    [EMBARGOED UNTIL 05/01/2025] Similar to states in the international system, rebel groups--or nonstate armed groups--also conduct diplomacy, particularly during wartime. The practice of rebel diplomacy, in fact, is prevalent ...
  • The states strike back : an examination of multistate lawsuits against the federal government 

    Lang, Zachary (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    Around the time of the Constitutional Convention, the states were very diverse places, especially in terms of size. The 1790 Census found that one in five Americans lived in massive Virginia, yet the entire state of nearby ...
  • Populism and political ideologies in comparative perspective 

    Jung, Yujin (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
    The rise of populism worldwide necessitates a deeper understanding of this phenomenon. My doctoral dissertation, grounded in the ideational approach, dissects populism into two elements, investigating how this 'thin' ...
  • The Caracas resolution, an evaluation of an anti-communist measure 

    Krauter, Joseph Francis (University of Missouri--Columbia, 1963)
    "Following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, international communism set out on its mission to attain world supremacy. Although Communist parties began to operate almost immediately in various parts of the Western ...
  • Sino-Indian war of 1962 : a framework and case study of international conflict resolution 

    Sandhu, Bhim Singh (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1972)
    Since time immemorial history has recorded man's efforts to avoid war and maintain peace. War is defined as, "a violent contact of distinct but similar entities." Attempt after attempt has been made to end or limit wars, ...
  • Planning as an educative process : the development of solid waste policy in the St. Louis area 

    Skelton, Luther William III (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1975)
    "The central contention of this study is that environmental management policy formation is more dependent on the planning process than upon the formal plan resulting from the process. As used in this study, environmental ...
  • Walter Bagehot's science of politics 

    Hansen, Farreol Lee (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1975)
    The purpose of this thesis is to clarify Walter Bagehot's position in political science. One of middle Victorian England's most perceptive political analysts, Bagehot adopted a modern perspective which encouraged a realistic ...
  • The politics of land reform in South Korea 

    Zeon, Young-cheol (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1973)
    Land reform in the developing countries has been of particular concern to social scientists as well as politicians and revolutionaries because of the preponderant role of agriculture in the area. Economists have paid ...
  • Institutional change in congress : the impact of elections 

    Grogan, Fred Leroy (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1979)
    This dissertation examines the nature of institutional change in Congress from 1930 to 1976. Specifically, the relationship between two distinct aspects of institutional change--membership composition and procedures and ...
  • Industrialization and authoritarianism in Republic of Korea, 1963-1983 

    Kim, Taek Kee (University of Missouri--Columbia, 1987)
    This study examines the political consequences of industrial development in South Korea in terms of changes in international economic order and domestic socioeconomic structure. It primarily focuses on the regime's ...
  • The politics of special road districts abolishment in Missouri, 1970-1975 

    Jordan, Maynard A (University of Missouri--Columbia., 1975)
    This study seeks to describe and explain the politics of dissolution of special road districts in Missouri from 1970 through 1974. It focuses on successful road district dissolutions in twenty Missouri counties during the ...
  • OPEC as a non-state actor : formation and dynamics 

    Dredi, Ibrahim B. (University of Missouri--Columbia, 1982)
    This dissertation analyzes the factors which have promoted the formation of OPEC and the dynamics of its confrontation with the multinational oil companies (MNOCs). It analyzes the rise of OPEC from the perspective of the ...

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