Now showing items 72-91 of 116

    Lubricity testing with biodiesel blends [abstract] [1]
    Marketing research: Assisting decisions of the MU Career Center [abstract] [1]
    Maternal report of emotional response duration in young children's developmental psychology [abstract] [1]
    Methodology for interference analysis using electromagnetic topology techniques [abstract] [1]
    Mitochondrial mutations in tumor and in nipple aspirate fluid [abstract] [1]
    Morphology of otic and lateral line efferent neurons in zebrafish hindbrain [abstract] [1]
    Natural genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana: A functional genomics approach to drought and heat stress tolerance [abstract] [1]
    Near-optimal launch guidance using energy-angular momentum relationship [abstract] [1]
    New Tc-99m carbonyl complexes of SN bifunctional ligands [abstract] [1]
    New Technetium-99m carbonyl complexes of SN bifunctional ligands [1]
    The outcome of granulomatous experimental autoimmune thyroiditis is not associated with the chemokine profile [abstract] [1]
    Partical retention of benzo(a)pyrene [abstract] [1]
    PDA project [abstract] [1]
    Perceptions of effective and ineffective professional development held by teachers and staff developers [abstract] [1]
    Perceptions of technology uses in hospitality [abstract] [1]
    Physiological and colonic microbial responses in the horse to feeding soyhulls [abstract] [1]
    Polymer retrofit of CMU walls for blast protection [abstract] [1]
    Positive feedback effect of the drug DES in mouse fetuses [abstract] [1]
    Quantitative real-time RT-PCR determining extracellular matrix protein expression in osteogenesis imperfecta murine (oim) thoracic aortas [abstract] [1]
    Queer folklore: Coming out stories [abstract] [1]