Showme magazine (MU)
Published by the students of the University of Missouri.
This collection contains all known issues of The Showme (1920-1923), The Missouri Outlaw (1924-1930), The New Missouri ShowMe (1930-1932) and Missouri ShowMe (1932-1957), a long line of humor and satire magazines published by students of the University of Missouri from 1920 through 1964. The Showme first appeared in 1920 and was irregularly published under varied titles until 1957, and was revived, briefly, between 1960 and 1964.
Articles in the Missouri Showme and earlier and later titles consist primarily of spoof and parody of campus and student life. The magazine had many titled theme issues among which were: Escape, Showme Girl, Sex, Expose, Hangover, Sweatsock, The Ozarks, Insanity, Halloween, Take Home to Mother, Saturday Evening Pest, The Draft, Hanukah, Alcoholic, After Truman, who? O'Toole for President, A Freshman's Handbook of Misinformation, Get Your Hand Out of My Stocking, Confidential, and Communist Exchange. The development of this digital collection is primarily due to the work of two individuals, (Gerald T.) Jerry Smith, BJ '52, Showme Editor '50 who prepared a history of the Showme entitled, "Missouri SHOWME The Final, FINAL issue: Memories of staff members of the University students' humor magazine -1946 thru 1963," and Mizzou editor, Karen Worley, who suggested the idea of the article for the Alumni Association magazine, Mizzou, and worked with the MU Libraries and Jerry Smith to publish a longer and more detailed version for the University of Missouri Digital Library.
This online collection was compiled using copies from the University of Missouri--Columbia Libraries Special Collections, Archives and Rare Book Division, the Alumni Association Office of Publications and Alumni Communications, and the State Historical Society of Missouri.
Items in MOspace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
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Recent Submissions
Showme, vol. 33, no. 09 (June 1956)
(1956) -
Showme, vol. 33, no. 08 (May 1956)
(1956) -
Showme, vol. 33, no. 07 (April 1956)
(1956) -
Showme, vol. 33, no. 06 (March 1956)
(1956) -
Missouri showme, 1955-06
(1955) -
Missouri showme, 1955-05
(1955) -
Missouri showme, 1955-04
(1955) -
Missouri showme, 1955-03
(1955) -
Missouri showme, 1955-02