Museum Magazine, Number 64 (2014 Winter)
The issue's feature article, "The Alluring Lady Hamilton," focuses on two portraits of Lady Hamilton: Portrait of Lady Hamilton, by the British artist George Romney, and Portrait of Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante, by another British artist Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Table of Contents
From the Director / Alex W. Barker (Director) -- The Alluring Lady Hamilton / Danielle Gibbons (Graduate Research Assistant) -- Building a collection : ancient glass at the MAA / Antone Pierucci (Graduate Research Assistant) -- Events calendar -- Missouri Folk Arts Program / Lisa L. Higgins (MFAP Director) -- From the Museum Educator / Cathy Callaway -- From the Academic Coordinator / Arthur Mehrhoff -- Museum Associates / Scott Southwick (President, Museum Associates) -- Spotlight : an unusual portrait of Hadrian / Benton Kidd (Curator of Ancient Art).