A user interactive design procedure for an efficient tubular linear induction motor for pneumatic capsule pipeline systems
[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT AUTHOR'S REQUEST.] Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline (PCP) systems are being increasingly used for freight transportation in selected industries like mining, tunneling and also in hospitals, drive-in banks, postal centers and airports. The widespread use of large PCP systems is achieved with the use of Tubular Linear Induction Motors (TLIM). TLIMs provide a non-intrusive system for the propulsion of the capsules inside the pipes.The need for an efficient and user-interactive design procedure for a TLIM pump to be used in PCP systems has fueled this research project. A user-interactive procedure was developed to design a highly detailed and efficient TLIM which generates the required electromagnetic thrust to propel capsules at the specified rated speed over long distances. Systems based on this design were recorded to be operating at about 75% efficiency which indicated a 7.5% increase in the efficiency as compared to previous designs. Future applications of such systems could involve high- speed, quiet and environmentally friendly freight and passenger transportation systems.
Thesis Department
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