Now showing items 21-40 of 92

    Developmental integration of the cerebrum and cerebellum in primate model for schizophrenia [abstract] [1]
    Disruption of e-cadherin junctional integrity in ovarian cancer cells is promoted by LPA-induced MMP-9 activity [abstract] [1]
    Do patients with craniosynostosis have increased incidence of auditory neuropathy newborns? [abstract] [1]
    Effect of resistance training dose on metabloic responses and behavior habits [abstract] [1]
    The effectiveness of bilateral versus unilateral task retraining using the saeboflex orthosis in individuals with subacute and chronic stroke [abstract] [1]
    The effects of metformin therapy on BMI and biochemical markers among overweight children and adolescents [abstract] [1]
    Establishment of cohort of consecutive ANCA test requests at MU- Preliminary 3 month data review [abstract] [1]
    Estrogen receptor and estrogen related receptor may corporatley regulate hypoxic gene expression [abstract] [1]
    Evaluation of a tranfected HEK293 cell line overexpressing the gc-c receptor [abstract] [1]
    Evaluation of heart attack admissions pre- and post-implementation of a smoke-free indoor air policy [abstract] [1]
    Facial phenotypic differences in children with autism spectrum disorders [abstract] [1]
    Gaining understanding of South African traditional helers' management of lymphedema following breast cancer treatment : building a foundation for a synergistic model of best practices [abstract] [1]
    Gold nanoparticles (GNP) or adeno-associated virus (AAV) mediated gene delivery in human corneal endothelial cells [abstract] [1]
    How are the yeast cyclins, PCL6 and PCL7 regulated in the GLC7 pathway? [abstract] [1]
    Hyperparathyroidism and hyperfunctioning supernumary glands : considerations for challenging management [abstract] [1]
    Identification of the signaling networks involved in breast cancer metastasis to the brain using proteomic approaches [abstract] [1]
    Identifying angiotensin II effects on protein kinase B activation in insulin metabolic signaling [abstract] [1]
    The impact of body mass index on achievement of functional changes during inpatient rehabilitation for lower limb amputees [abstract] [1]
    Improving patient care and provider efficiency with innovative tools within the electronic medical record [abstract] [1]
    Improving physician efficiency and patient care : assessing an electronic mood disorder questionnaire [abstract] [1]