Now showing items 239-258 of 258

    Trace Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc mineralization : origins and relationship to mid-continent MVT ore districts / [1]
    Transformational leadership in urban educational settings / [1]
    Transmit precoding and Bayesian detection for cognitive radio networks with limited channel state information [1]
    Transportation safety modeling and evaluation : alternative geometric designs, enforcement, and airfield applications / [1]
    Trouble in Zion : the radicalization of Mormon theology, 1831-1839 [1]
    Two applications of liefecycle models : teachers' retirement under time-varying pension rules and the income-health correlation in Panel Study of Income Dynamics [1]
    Two applications of liefecycle models : teachers' retirement under time-varying pension rules and the income-health correlation in PSID / [1]
    Two essays on the economics of education [1]
    Two warehouse material location selection [1]
    Uncertainty analysis of steady-state calorimetric emissivity measurements [1]
    Undergraduate music students' perceptions of lesson and rehearsal planning / [1]
    Uniform bounds in F-finite rings and their applications / [1]
    Values driven delivery : a qualitative case study exploration of the experience in an NCAA division 1 holistic integrated sport psychology program / [1]
    Views of women with dissociative identity disorder on intimate partner violence : a grounded theory approach / [1]
    Visual humor : female photographers and modern American womanhood, 1860-1915 [1]
    Watching biological nanomotors at work : insights from single-molecule studies [1]
    Weinergate, Twitter, and marginalized voices : political sex scandals in a new media environment [1]
    When the evening comes : a novel, and And it begins like this : essays [1]
    Women midlevel student affairs practitioners : exploring through narrative inquiry the skills, abilities, and expertise needed for career success [1]
    Word learning from context : relations with language ability, socioeconomic status, and executive function [1]