1920-1929 Theses (MU)
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The effect of different percentages of butterfat on the physical properties of ice cream
(University of Missouri., 1922)"Ice cream has long been a favorite frozen product served for desserts and delicacies. Many years ago the nobles used frozen delicacies at banquets and important feasts. The French were always very fond of frozen dishes ... -
Place names in the central counties of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1928)This study is an attempt to determine, while the sources are yet available, the origin of the. names of the towns, streams, country schools, and townships of the following central counties of Missouri: Boone, Callaway, ... -
The Cid in history and fiction
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1923)Antonio de Trueba has remarked that the adventures of the Cid have been increasing in magnitude, as century after century rolls by, in much the same manner in which the bulk of a snowball is augmented a s it tumbles down ... -
Continental influences on the English prayer book, 1549-1552
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1926)"Continental influence on the English Reformation and on the Book of Common Prayer is often under-estimated. The facts which have been given indicate that it is a factor which ought not to be over-looked or passed over ... -
The moods of the elegy in Greek, Latin and English poetry
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1925)"If elegy be defined as a song of mourning, an attempt to trace fits history would be a difficult task and perhaps an man must have voiced arrow for the dead. In fact, there is no ancient literature free from some form of ... -
Place names in the northwest counties of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1929)Counties: Atchison, Holt, Nodaway, Andrew, Buchanan, Worth, Gentry, DeKalb, Clinton, Harrison, Daviess, and Caldwell -
The effect of home and commercial laundering upon the wearing quality of ginghams and similar fabrics and the reliability of the consumer's judgement in the selection of these fabrics
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1928)The laundering of clothing and household articles is an ever present necessity of the homemaker. In the past, practically all of the laundry work was done in the home and generally by the housewife herself. The time came ... -
A cytological study of stimulation of the liver
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1921)In correlation with the ... [Introduction] the work for this paper was undertaken to demonstrate that the changes taking place in the secretory cells of the liver are identical with those in the nerve cells under both ...