Which came first, the Zajal or the Muwaššaḥa? Some evidence for the oral origins of Hispano-Arabic Strophic poetry
Up to this point, I have summarized some theoretical arguments, derived from certain structural features of the texts at hand, to suggest why the zajal might antedate the muwaššaḥa, from which the latter could be derived. Nonetheless, until now, we have had little documentary proof that the zajal did in fact precede the muwaššaḥa chronologically, with which to counter the objections of the partisans of the Arabic thesis. In what follows, I shall present some recently garnered evidence in support of the above arguments, “in order to respond to the ‘Avez-vous un texte?’ of Fustel de Coulanges and his less intelligently positivistic offspring (Rico 1975:557).”--Page 43.
Oral Tradition, 4/1-2 (1989): 38-64
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