Now showing items 41-60 of 6486

    The 30 x 30 Missouri poultry house [1]
    '82 report : agronomy research center [1]
    Above ground gasoline storage for your farm [1]
    Acclimation of Holstein cattle to 84 degrees F (29 degrees C) temperature : changes in heat producing and heat dissipating functions [1]
    The accuracy and flexibility of rural real estate assessment in Missouri [1]
    Acorn production in the Missouri Ozarks [1]
    Acquiring farm ownership by payments in kind : a plan to permit tenants to buy farms through annual product payments [1]
    Actinomycosis (lump jaw, big jaw, and wooden tongue) in cattle [1]
    Actinomycosis in cattle : lump jaw, big jaw, and wooden tongue [1]
    The activities of rural young people in Missouri : a survey of 2,297 young people attending high school [1]
    Adaptations and limitations of ring test for bovine brucellosis [1]
    Adapting horse-drawn mowers to tractor power [1]
    Additional illustrations of the influence of food supply on the velocity constant of growth and on the shape of the growth curve [1]
    Addresses presented at Sixth Annual Farm Forum. [1]
    The adequacy of synthetic rations for the growth of chicks [1]
    Advances in somatic cell hybridization in higher plants [1]
    Advantages from use of pure bred ram [1]
    Ag scientists make news. [1]
    Age and temperature effects on TDN, water consumption and balance of dairy calves and heifers exposed to environmental temperatures of 35 degrees to 95 degrees F [1]
    Age changes in size, energy metabolism and cardio-respiratory activities of thyroidectomized cattle [1]