Trauma team toolkit & crisis protocols (TTTCP) for clinic implementation
This TTTCP is complete with trauma screenings and responses, referrals to in-clinic and out-of-clinic resources, acute crisis interventions, and expanded resources for patients, including resiliency skills and social supports across a framework of six axes pertaining to holistic health and wellness ( outlined in detail below. The aim of implementing the TTTCP is to provide a nonjudgmental, safe, and compassionate environment where patients have access to resources that cultivate choice-making, and allow for safety, healing, empowerment, and a regained sense of agency. The TTTCP is dedicated to narrowing health disparities and advancing equity within medicine and health. Ideally, these components of the TTTCP will assist in creating a stable foundation on which individuals may build skills, develop coping mechanisms, and incorporate wellness, community, and resiliency skills that encourage healthier, safer, and more stable lives.
Table of Contents
1. TTTCP QI PDSA (Including Lit Review, screens, flow charts, and more). TTTCP QI Final -- 2. Mission statement AND behavior guide for trauma teams. TTTCP Trauma Team Behavior Guide ; TTTCP Mission statement, values, about -- 3. Crisis Protocols. CDC IPV and SV screening instruments and scoring ; TTTCP danger protocol ; TTTCP physiologic response and NSSI protocol ; TTTCP suicide protocol -- 4. Coping skills and strategies. Mindfulness practices : A personalized wellness booklet ; TTTCP coping skills : HANDOUT for patients ; TTTCP coping strategies skills : trauma team script and guidance -- 5. Patient Directed Wellness Plan Resources & Toolkit for Wellness and Resiliency -- 5.1. TTTCP guide to references to resources with reading scores -- 5.2. Sleep. Calm breathing ; Progressive muscle relaxation ; Sleep diary worksheet ; Sleep hygiene : strategies and tips ; TTTCP strategies for better sleep -- 5.3. Nutrition. Daily food diary ; Enjoying local food ; Food safety FDA 2018 ; Food Safety FDA 2018 Seguridad alimentaria : ESPANOL : FDA2018 ; How food fits : fact card : fruits ; How food fits : fact card : vegetables ; La Cocina cookbook (ENG) : healthy tasty affordable Latin cooking ; La Cocina Latina saludable ricay economica (ESPANOLL) ; Meal planning made easy ; Meeting goals on a budget : nutrition booklet ; My plan : food log with food group examples ; Reach your nutrition goals ; Start simple : fact sheet ; Tip library : choose MyPlate -- 5.4. Exercise. Adult Fact Sheet : Exercise : MOVE YOUR WAY ; Adult fact sheet (ESPANOL) : Exercise : MOVE YOUR WAY ; Exercise tracking sheet (ESPANOL) ; Exercise tracking sheet ; FOR VOLUNTEERS : Physical activity guidelines, 2nd edition : HIGH reading level ; Geriatric fact sheet : exercise : MOVE YOUR WAY ; Geriatric fact sheet (ESPANOL) : exercise : MOVE YOUR WAY ; How to start exercising and stick to it ; Physical activity is important ; TTTCP and HCY yoga -- 5.5. Mental Health. Automatic thoughts form ; Challenge negative thinking and thought challenging form ; Effective journaling ; Happiness action pack ; Self affirmation : practice and personalized reflection ; Self assessment self care ; Self help CBT ; Thought challenging form (only) -- 5.6. Mindfulness. Body awareness (body scan) ; Breath regulation ; Gratitude practice ; Kindness boosters ; Meditation and mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) ; Mindfulness practices : a personalized wellness booklet ; Monitoring my anxiety ; Self affirmation practice ; Sensory observation ; Yoga -- 5.7. Healthy Relationships. Conflict resolution ; Consent ; Healthy boundaries and expectations ; Healthy communication ; How can I get what I want and need from my relationship ; How to solve daily life problems ; Self love and self compassion ; Trust ; What is and is not a healthy relationship and relationship boosters -- 6. TTTCP Treatment Plan Template (TTxP). TTTCP treatment plan template, cover sheet AND chart outline -- 7. Local, state, national resources + Lifelines Hotlines. Mizzou resources : Mizzou CARES resources for students ; Boone County Resources ; Missouri Mental Health Resources 1 ; Missouri Mental Health Resources 2 ; U.S. hotline numbers : alphabetized -- 8. Additional Patient Handouts. Building resilience to manage indirect exposure to terror ; Children : Despues de un tiroteo (ESPANOL) (In the aftermath off a shooting) ; Children : In the aftermath of a shooting ; Children : talking to kids, youth when they need help ; Coping after suicide loss : grieving adults, children, schools ; Coping with stress : parents ; Coping with stress at work ; Coping with stress after traumatic event (CDC) ; Explaining the news (ESPANOL) : Cómo hablar con tus hijos sobre la tragedia en Orlando ; Explaining the news to our kids : disturbing or dramatic news ; Financial habits : money and the family ; Healthy divorce ; Healthy habits for healthy families ; How children understand death ; How stress affects your health ; How to avoid money arguments ; How to choose a psychologist ; How to cope when a loved one has a serious mental illness ; How to talk to children about difficult news ; IPV_DV : what is a healthy relationship ; Maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle ; Making stepfamilies work ; Manage stress : strengthen your support network ; Managing chronic pain ; Managing stress for a healthy family ; Older adults and disasters : how caregivers prepared to assist others ; Older adults and disasters : how to BE PREPARED ; Overcoming depression ; Overcoming opioid abuse ; Psychological first aid (PFA) : modeling and teaching strategies ; Psychological first aid (PFA) for students and teachers : school crisis ; PTSD ; Reading list : grief resources for teachers, children, and families ; Resilience guide for parents to help children, adolescents off all ages ; Strategies for controlling your anger ; The child's loss : death, grief, and mourning ; The relationship chart : self report Likert, 4Q, Wasson, 2000 ; The road to resilience : guide, tips, advice, self reflection ; The road to resilience (ESPANOL) : El Camino al la Resiliencia ; Toolbox Stress Measurement 3 22 18 ; Understanding alcohol use disorders and their treatment ; Understanding anger ; Understanding anxiety : beyond worry ; Understanding anxiety (ESPANOL) : Mas Alla de la Preocupacion ; Understanding depression (ESPANOL) : Superando la Depresion ; Understanding psychological testing and assessment ; Understanding psychotherapy ; Warning signs of youth (and adult) violence ; When your child is diagnosed with chronic illness -- 9. Screens. Abuse Assessment Screen : Survey 5Q+, Weiss, 2003 ; Abuse assessment screen (ESPANOL) : Survey 55Q+, Weiss, 2003 ; AISS immediate safety screening ; Alternate to AISS : Partner violence screen PVS : 3Q, Feldhaus 1997, Davis 2003, Morrison 2000 ; Copy of RSQ family-stress-parent-self-report ; Copy of RSQ-self-report-interpersonal-stress-10-6-14 ; Hurt insult threaten scream HITS : self report Likert : 4Q, Sherin, 2003 ; Life-event-checklist-lec ; Ongoing abuse screen : self report Y__N : 5Q, Weiss et al 2003 ; PERSONALIZED SAFETY PLAN ; PHL EXPANDED ACE SURVEY QUESTIONS : HFP vers ; SAFE T suicide assessment five-step evaluation and triage.