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dc.contributor.authorHansen, Kellieng
dc.contributor.corporatenameUniversity of Missouri--Columbia. Libraries. Special Collections and Rare Bookseng
dc.contributor.meetingnameLimited Editions Exhibit (2006 : University of Missouri--Columbia)eng
dc.descriptionOCLC WorldCat number for related material: 28435411eng
dc.description.abstractExhibition label for the Limited Editions Exhibit, May 25, 2006.eng
dc.rights.licenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.eng
dc.rights.licenseCopyright, Curators of the University of Missouri.eng
dc.sourceSubmitted by MU Special Collections and Rare Bookseng
dc.titleShakespeares Sonnets Main 1901 limited editions exhibtion labeleng
dc.typeExhibition labelseng

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