Now showing items 1010-1029 of 1924

    Joanna Baillie: The Theory in Her Plays on the Passions and an Analysis of Four Dramas Within that Series [1]
    John Dimond - the wizard of Marblehead a miniature opera in five vignettes [1]
    The Johnson Treatment: Cold War Food Aid and the Politics of Gratitude [1]
    Just war, legitimate authority and non-State actors [1]
    Kalabari Masquerade and the gaze: identity and spectatorship in the sculptures of Sokari Douglass Camp [1]
    The Kansas City Foot Patrol project : An evaluation of the effectiveness of foot patrol in violent crime micro-places [1]
    KB4DL: Building a Knowledge Base for Deep Learning [1]
    Kids aren't buying what we are selling: a quantitative analysis of student dropout and school supports for dropout prevention [1]
    Knowledge of Dental Students with Respect to Orthodontic Diagnosis and Clear Aligner Therapy in Conjunction with a Study of Predoctoral Orthodontic Curricula [1]
    Knowledge of Dental Students with Respect to Orthodontic Diagnosis and Clear Aligner Therapy [1]
    A Knowledge-based approach of satellite image classification for urban wetland detection [1]
    La France au bord de l’Amérique (France on the edge of America): Saint Pierre and Miquelon in the Twentieth Century [1]
    La Generazione dell'Ottanta and the Italian Sound [1]
    Labor Market Outcomes and Employment Policy [1]
    The Laboring Irish: Developing Community and Industry in Early Kansas City [1]
    Lapse of time, for flute, clarine, violin, cello, percussion and piano [1]
    Lapse of time, for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion and piano [1]
    Laser ablation in liquid of Germanium in externally applied electric fields [1]
    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Micron Sized Particles with the Consideration of Industrial Applications [1]
    The Last Patron of Tintern Abbey: The Family and Piety of Roger Bigod [1]