Now showing items 23-42 of 83

    Effect of stroke location on the laryngeal cough reflex and pneumonia risk [1]
    The effectiveness of redesigning college algebra with a heavy focus on instructional technology [1]
    The Effects of Math Recovery on the Low-Performing Mathematics Student [1]
    Efficient sequential designs with asymptotic second-order lower bound of Bayes risk for estimating product of means [1]
    Enabling Electronic Structure Calculations of High Z Element Containing Materials Using Dirac Relativistic DFT Methods [1]
    Essays on Investment Stagnation and Financialization [1]
    The evolution of the U.S. financial architecture, asset prices, and the role of fiscal and monetary policy [2]
    Examination of postoperative outcomes following elective colorectal surgery [1]
    Fast Frequency Estimation by Zero Crossings of Differential Spline Wavelet Transform [1]
    Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring of Power Electronic Components Using Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry (SSTDR) and the Concept of Dynamic Safe Operating Area (SOA) [1]
    Ferroelectric System Dynamics and the Properties of Ferroelectric / Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Heterostructures: a Ginzburg–Landau Study [1]
    First and Second Order Efficiency of Sequential Designs in a Nonlinear Situation with Applications [1]
    GAL1-SceI directed site-specific genomic (gsSSG) mutagenesis: a method for precisely targeting point mutations in S. cerevisiae. [1]
    Generalized Koszul Properties of Commutative Local Rings [1]
    Generalized Multiplicative Error Models: Asymptotic Inference and Empirical Analysis [1]
    HAPSIMU: a genetic simulation platform for population-based association studies [1]
    Heterodox Microfoundations: A Methodological Appraisal [1]
    A Hybrid Modeling Approach to Assess the Efficacy of Control Measures on Paratuberculosis on U.S. Dairy Farms [1]
    Hydrologic Analysis of Rain Garden Performance [1]
    Identification and Development of a Reliable Framework to Predict Passive Scalar Transport for Turbulent Bounded Shear Flows [1]