Department of Physics and Astronomy (UMKC)
The Department of Physics and Astronomy, formerly the Department of Physics, offers programs of study leading to the bachelor of arts, bachelor of science and, with the School of Computing and Engineering, offers a 5 year course of study that results in a bachelor of science of Physics and a bachelor of science in Electrical & Computer Engineering. The Department of Physics and Astronomy also offers a master of science degree, and participates in UMKC's Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program.
Faculty research programs include physics education research, astronomy and many areas within condensed matter physics.
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Recent Submissions
Infrared-Bright Active Galactic Nuclei in Massive Galaxy Clusters
(2024)The number of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in galaxy clusters has been observed to grow by nearly two orders of magnitude from the local universe to z ~ 1.5. Star formation rates in clusters have also been observed to rise ... -
Toward high thermoelectric performance of solids: ab initio forces within the orthogonalized linear combination of atomic orbitals method
(2024)Toward the long-term goal of predicting the figure of merit of complex thermoelectric materials, we introduce the computational and theoretical groundwork for the calculation of interatomic forces in ab initio calculations ... -
Advancing the treatment of relativistic theory within the OLCAO package and with application to solar photovoltaic technologies
(2024)Methylammonium lead bromide, known as CH3NH3PbBr3, is a promising perovskite material for the absorption layer in solar cells. While its bulk electronic structure is favorable, its long-term stability and interface design ... -
Methods and experimental design for high power measurements of materials and devices
(2023)Current trends in Radio Frequency (RF) devices, such as the miniaturization of RF devices, wide-bandwidth communications, wide use of radar, communications, and positioning systems lead to an increased need to understand ... -
DFT study of electronic structure and mechanical properties of clay minerals, and using large-scale supercell modeling for solvated montmorillonite
(2024)Clay mineral materials have attracted attention due to their many properties and applications. The applications of clay minerals are closely linked to their structure and composition. Here, we studied the electronic structure ... -
Investigation of process–structure–property correlations for plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited complex disordered solids: towards data-driven computational materials design
(2023)Complex disordered solids, characterized by multicomponent, multiphase, sub-structured configurations, coupled with a lack of long-range order, represent an application-rich class of materials, exhibiting a vast number of ... -
Investigation and development of wideband antenna gain enhancement techniques
(2023)The far-field gain of an antenna relies on its physical dimensions, often posing a challenge for achieving higher gain without increasing size. We address this issue by exploring innovative design strategies to enhance the ... -
Investigation of electrically tunable diode-based nonlinear transmission lines as pulse shaping networks for microwave systems at megawatt peak powers
(2023)The pulsed power community is actively concentrating on the miniaturization of high-power microwave (HPM) systems, driven by the growing demand for applications on oceanic vessels, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles. ... -
Efficient Automated Generation of Local Descriptors for Use in ab initio Electronic Structure Simulations
(2023)First-principles electronic structure calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) are well-known to have a high computational cost that scales algorithmically as O(N³), where N is the number of electrons. Reducing ... -
Function Implementation in a Multi-Gate Junctionless FET Structure
(2023)This dissertation explores designing and implementing a multi-gate junctionless field-effect transistor (JLFET) structure and its potential applications beyond conventional devices. The JLFET is a promising alternative to ... -
Effective Surface Areas and Adsorption Capacity of Graphene with Vacancies
(2023)Graphene has been heavily researched since Geim and Novosolov won the nobel prize in physics for its mechanical exfoliation from graphite. The atomically thin crystal of carbon atoms has been reported to have novel properties ... -
Plasma-enhanced molecular layer deposition (PEMLD) of boron carbide dielectrics from carboranes for interconnect and patterning applications
(2022)The dimensional scaling of semiconductor devices following Moore’s law has resulted in smaller, faster, and cheaper integrated circuits (IC) chips, going from ~3000 transistors in an IC chip in the early 1970s, to ~100 ... -
MAX-phase Partial Optical Properties
(2022)The optical and electrical properties of MAX-phase materials have been thoroughly studied in the past. We present here a new technique to determine and study the partial contributions to the optical properties. Following ... -
Sampling Schemes For Estimating Software Reliability
(2022)Any software system of non-trivial size cannot be easily and completely tested because the domain of all possible inputs is complex and very large. In this study, we use a technique called partition testing, in which we ... -
Comparative Investigation of LIBS Spectra and Crater Morphology During Laser Ablation of Eutectic BiSn Alloys
(2022)Laser-based methods such as pulsed laser deposition (PLD) that are used for fabricating structural and functional materials are ripe for dramatic improvement. However, because laser–material interactions are dependent on ... -
A Cubic Spline Projection Method for Computing Stationary Density Functions of Frobenius-Perron Operator
(2022)Stationary density functions of Frobenius-Perron operators have critical applications in many fields of science and engineering. Accordingly, approximating stationary density functions f* is important and the focus of this ... -
Chemical and biochemical applications of vibrational spectroscopy
(2022)Vibrational spectroscopy is a technique that probes a molecule’s vibrational modes via infrared absorption and Raman scattering, and is often used as a tool for characterization and/or functional group determination. Because ... -
Far-UV to Mid-IR Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby Merging Galaxies
(2022)Simulations of gas-rich, major galaxy mergers predict elevated amounts of star formation (SF) and nuclear black hole growth (active galactic nuclei, or AGN). This model is supported by observations that find enhanced SF ... -
Dust-Obscured Galaxy Protocluster and Cluster Survey (DOGPACS): Identifying Large-Scale Structures 9−10 Billion Light-Years Away
(2022)Primordial density fluctuations have grown over time due to gravitational instability to form galaxies and, eventually, large-scale structures, such as clusters of galaxies. Galaxy clusters are the most massive collapsed ... -
An Analysis of the Stellar Mass Properties of Distant Galaxy Clusters From the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey (MaDCoWS)
(2022)The epoch at redshift z ∼ 1 and above is an important one for the study of the evolution of galaxy clusters, as this is the epoch where star formation in clus- ter cores in quenched. Most wide-area cluster surveys at this ...