Department of Economics (UMKC)
The Department of Economics is committed to promoting excellence in broad-based undergraduate programs; graduate and interdisciplinary doctoral education; research; and community, university and professional service. The department focuses its research, teaching and service efforts on the urban mission of the University by fostering a diversity of research and teaching perspectives for faculty and students.
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Recent Submissions
Three essays on Platform Capitalism and its alternative
(2023)This dissertation delves into the intricate landscape of platform capitalism and its multifaceted relationship with labor dynamics, bringing forth a nuanced understanding of the evolving economic terrain. The first ... -
Three Essays In Mobilization Theory
(2023)This dissertation explores the phenomenon of society-wide mobilization, the response to a major national emergency in which the stakes feel existential and the policy choices often push the bounds of what was previously ... -
Ushering in the Post-Oil Era: A Functional Finance Approach to Development, Diversification and Sustainability in Saudi Arabia
(2023)The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the social, economic and financial structures and the growth potential of Saudi Arabia as a fixed exchange rate country. Saudi Arabia has had its currency pegged to the US ... -
Three Essays on the Limits and Possibilities of Economic Sovereignty in the Eurozone
(2022)There is no disputing Germany’s dominant economic role within the eurozone (EZ) and the broader European Union. Economic leadership, however, entails responsibilities, especially in a world system of monetary production ... -
Dynamics of Economic Corruption
(2022)Corruption, especially in developing countries, has been shown to have large persistent effects on inequality and economic growth. Efforts to eradicate or suppress corruption over the last two decades have floundered. This ... -
The Forgotten Lands: A Comparative Analysis of Economic Systems in Transition
(2022)This study focuses on transition economies of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). These countries have lagged considerably in their transformation from a planned to a market-based system and are therefore ... -
Three Essays at the Intersection of Social Theory and Political Economy
(2022)This study revisits classic questions of political economy through an interdisciplinary lens, wedding the insights of modern social theory with heterodox political economy. The first chapter synthesizes the economic and ... -
Three Essays on Monetary Sovereignty
(2022)This dissertation examines the current economic understanding of Monetary Sovereignty through the role of the state’s currency in an economy. It recognizes that, internationally, Monetary Sovereignty is not an equal status ... -
The Systemic Risk of Consolidation in the Cloud Computing Industry
(2021)The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of consolidation within the cloud computing industry related to the reliability and availability of computing resources. This dissertation begins by assessing the scale ... -
The Effect of Participatory Budgeting on the Provisioning Process
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2018)The hypothesis of this dissertation is that as more of us become actively engaged in deliberations concerning local economic/political issues, the happier, more tolerant, and more understanding we can become. This is a ... -
Pediatric Lead Poisoning and The Built Environment in Kansas City, Missouri 2000-2013
(2021)This study examines relationships between pediatric lead poisoning and the built environment. Focusing on Kansas City, Missouri between the years 2000 and 2013 this dissertation informs policy options and identifies ... -
Labor Market Outcomes and Employment Policy
(2020)The first chapter contains an empirical analysis of labor market outcomes. Using the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages microdata, individual labor market experiences are tracked over time. Not only is the employment ... -
Income Inequality, Household Borrowing, and the Business Cycle
(2020)Over the thirty years preceding 2008, the United States has experienced increasing income inequality while transitioning to a consumption-led economy. This dissertation investigates the foundations of the 2008 recession ... -
Money, Work, and Mass Extinction: Transformational Degrowth and the Job Guarantee
(2020)This dissertation is composed of three independent essays. Each essay traces social and ecological crises to capitalist institutions and proposes how a job guarantee (JG) can be adapted to resolve them in the context of ... -
Human Development As the Expansion of Work Capability: An Examination of Vietnam
(2020)This dissertation aims to enhance the application of Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach by including work capability in the current assessment of human development. Development theorists have long overlooked the role of ... -
The Political Economy of Agriculture and the Social Economy of Local Sustainable Agriculture in Kansas City
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2019)This dissertation contributes to heterodox economics by presenting a unique heterodox economics approach, utilizing aspects of heterodox surplus approach, Post Keynesian, Institutional, feminist, and ecological economics. ... -
Three Essays on China's Political Economy, Environmental Policy, and Green Job Guarantee
(2020)This dissertation contributes to the study of the Chinese economy by elaborating China’s alternative economic system, examining the evolution of Chinese environmental policies, and proposing a Chinese Green Job Guarantee. ... -
Three Essays on Public Money Creation, Endogenous Bank Credit Creation, and Remaining Empirical Issues: Interest Rates and Inflation
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2018)This dissertation examines the interconnectedness between money/credit creation and its empirical relevance to macroeconomic variables. It takes the position that the amount of money/credit created for GDP-related ... -
Saudization or Sustainable Jobs Creation: Two Approaches In Solving Unemployment in Saudi Arabia
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2019)Over the past two decades, Saudi Arabia has witnessed acceleration in both national unemployment and environmental degradation. These two areas are at the forefront of being very real challenges. In solving the ... -
Resource Transformation Through Capitalization Processes in Community Economic Development
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2019)This dissertation presents a critical institutionalist theory of resource transformation through capitalization processes in the context of community economic development. The arguments are presented through three ...