Department of Psychology and Counseling (UMKC)
The Department of Psychology and Counseling is focused on behavioral science contributions to health and healthcare. Our faculty members are national and international leaders in research on areas such as HIV/AIDS, tobacco use, obesity and eating disorders, cancer, neuropsychological functioning, safety and violence and community factors in health. We have strong and active collaborations with important community partners such as Saint Luke’s Hospital, the Cancer Institute, Mid America Heart Institute, the Kansas City Free Health Clinic, University of Kansas Medical Center and Truman Medical Center
At the undergraduate level, the department offers a general program of study leading to the bachelor of arts degree in psychology. A psychology minor is available to students majoring in other disciplines. Graduate programs are also offered by the Department of Psychology and Counseling.
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Recent Submissions
Social exclusion, internalizing/externalizing behaviors, and cooperation in middle childhood
(2024)Cooperation is a complex prosocial behavior shaped by social experiences and perceptions of others' cooperativeness. In adults, social exclusion and high levels of internalizing/externalizing (I/E) behaviors can reduce ... -
Examining changes in neurofilament light chain following a behavioral weight loss intervention for adults with multiple sclerosis and obesity
(2024)Background: Obesity is associated with higher relapse rates and faster disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It is unknown if weight loss is associated with reduced MS disease activity. The present study examines ... -
The relation between abortion stigma and psychological functioning: exploring the roles of reproductive justice activism and abortion identity centrality
(2024)Studies have found a strong relation between abortion stigma and psychological functioning, suggesting that the more stigma someone assigns to their experience of an abortion, the poorer their mental health outcomes. Since ... -
“I can't. I just can't anymore!”: considering the impact of microaggressions and discrimination on binge eating behavior among black women
(2024)Extant research suggests that dietary restraint, emotion dysregulation, and stress are significant predictors of binge eating. Although Black women report the highest rates of binge eating behavior across all racial and ... -
An Exploration into the Dark Side of Flow in Academics
(2024)The present study sought to explore the lesser-known dark side of flow in academics. Although flow is typically viewed as a positive experience, its outcomes are not always beneficial. In order to carry out this endeavor, ... -
How Spirituality and Fatigue Interact to Affect Quality of Life in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer
(2023)The cognitive theory of stress and coping by Lazarus and Folkman can explain how individuals cope with a stressful chronic illness, specifically metastatic breast cancer (MBC). If an individual appraises their MBC as ... -
Spirituality in American Muslim Marriages: An Investigation of Marital Sanctification, Spiritual Intimacy and Emotional Intimacy
(2023)The current study investigated how spiritual intimacy and emotional intimacy potentially mediated the impact of marital sanctification on positive and negative marital quality. Moreover, the present study examined if gender ... -
Coping Methods of College Women of Color Facing Discrimination
(2023)Scholars have documented that experiencing microaggressions can have a negative impact on the psychological and physical health of women of color. Female college students of color specifically have shown to experience ... -
Social Anxiety Among Black Women
(2023)Social anxiety disorder is one of the most prevalent and chronic types of anxiety disorders. Yet, social anxiety often goes undetected and untreated, particularly among racial-ethnic minority groups. Existing research ... -
Acceptability and Feasibility of Using Virtual Reality to Address Mental Health Stigma with African American Young Adults
(2024)African Americans are disproportionately affected by mental illness compared to White Americans. Studies have reported that African Americans experience higher levels of mental health-related stigma (MHS) than White ... -
Initial Development of the Adolescent Mental Health Literacy Scale
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2023)Although African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, they also represent nearly 20% of persons with a mental illness diagnosis. Additionally, 58% of African Americans have average to below average health literacy. ... -
Intentions to undergo dementia screening among older Black adults
(2023)Stark health disparities exist between Black and White Americans including dementia risk. Black Americans are up to three times more likely to develop dementia compared to their White counterparts. These disparities can ... -
The Relationship Between Flow, Therapeutic Alliance, and Heightened Emotional Experience: A Preliminary Investigation
(2023)The therapeutic alliance, as outlined by several individual and group characteristics, plays an important role in the way that relational aspects of therapy can alter outcomes. Although at times difficult to form, once a ... -
Non-Religious Discrimination: Perceived Support, Social Connectedness, and Microaggressions against Non-Religious African Americans
(2023)Current literature has been exploring the lived experiences of non-religious Americans and how they are facing psychological distress due to how they are treated in America by their religious counterparts. The African ... -
A Qualitative Study of Psychologists in Perinatal Healthcare: Perspectives on Interprofessional Collaboration and Biopsychosocial Patient Care
(2023)Over the past several decades, mental health providers have become an integral part of interprofessional healthcare settings. Perinatal healthcare, or the health services provided to individuals during pregnancy, labor, ... -
Exploring Family Resilience and Connectedness During a Pandemic in Families Raising a Child with a Neurodevelopmental Disorder
(2023)Families have been significantly affected by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and those raising a child with a Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) may be particularly vulnerable to negative consequences from the health ... -
Prescription Medication Use in Bereavement: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Feasibility Study
(2023)Although many individuals experience a normal grieving process following the death of a loved one, some bereaved individuals will engage in prescription medication use to seek respites from their grief. More concerningly, ... -
Grief severity and health behaviors following bereavement: Exploring the moderating role of emotion regulation processes
(2023)The extant literature investigating associations between grief symptom severity and engagement in health behaviors is limited. Furthermore, research examining health outcomes in bereaved populations has yielded mixed ... -
Cognition, Fatigue, and Health-related Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis: Exploring the Role of Polypharmacy and Anticholinergic Medication Burden
(2022)OBJECTIVE: Recent evidence suggests that polypharmacy, or the daily use of multiple medications, is common among individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Some medications have anticholinergic properties that increase risk ... -
Parental Factors Related to Health Behaviors Among Children and Adolescents With and Without Developmental Disabilities Engaged in Weight Management Treatment
(2022)It is estimated that 19% of children between the ages of 2-19 years are considered obese in the United States (e.g., body mass index ≥ 95th percentile), and obesity is associated with significant adverse health problems. ...