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dc.contributor.authorChicone, Carmen Charleseng
dc.contributor.authorMashhoon, Bahrameng
dc.descriptiondoi: 10.1088/0264-9381/19/16/301eng
dc.description.abstractThe Jacobi equation in pseudo-Riemannian geometry determines the linearized geodesic flow. The linearization ignores the relative velocity of the geodesics. The generalized Jacobi equation takes the relative velocity into account; that is, when the geodesics are neighbouring but their relative velocity is arbitrary the corresponding geodesic deviation equation is the generalized Jacobi equation. The Hamiltonian structure of this nonlinear equation is analysed in this paper. The tidal accelerations for test particles in the field of a plane gravitational wave and the exterior field of a rotating mass are investigated. In the latter case, the existence of an attractor of uniform relative radial motion with speed 2−1/2c approx 0.7c is pointed out. The astrophysical implication of this result for the terminal speed of a relativistic jet is briefly explored.eng
dc.identifier.citationC Chicone and B Mashhoon 2002 Class. Quantum Grav. 19 4231eng
dc.publisherAmerican Institute of Physicseng
dc.relation.ispartofMathematics publications (MU)eng
dc.relation.ispartofcommunityUniversity of Missouri-Columbia. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Mathematics.eng
dc.rights.licenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
dc.subject.lcshGravitational waveseng
dc.subject.lcshGeodesic flowseng
dc.subject.lcshGeometry, Riemannianeng
dc.titleThe generalized Jacobi equationeng

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