Dimensions of the college-choice decision [abstract]
Making decisions is a part of our everyday lives. However, research has focused little on the dimensions of the decision itself as a predictor of decision making behavior. A review of the literature found that much research has focused on the influences of decisions and the effects of decisions, but not the decisions themselves. Psychologists and business management specialists are extremely interested in understanding and improving the decision making process for individuals and organizations. This study will examine the specific decision of college choice. Academic institutions are especially interested in the process students go through when choosing a college to attend. Much research has been done on the economic costs and benefits of attending college, the enrollment status of different ethnic groups, the influences affecting the decision, and the factors affecting aspirations to attend or not attend college. The purpose of this study is to learn how students perceive the dimensions of the decision that they made when choosing their institution. A sample of Midwestern college students completed a questionnaire describing their college-choice decision. This study will provide us with information regarding the different dimensions of decisions students face when making this choice. The results show how students of different demographic profiles perceive the decision. This research can improve our knowledge of the dimensions of all decision making, as well as the different types of decisions students face when making their college choice decision.