Real-time Tracking and Pose Estimation for Industrial Objects using Geometric Features
This paper presents a fast tracking algorithm
capable of estimating the complete pose (6DOF) of an industrial object by using its circular-shape features. Since the algorithm is part of a real-time visual servoing system
designed for assembly of automotive parts on-the-fly, the main constraints in the design of the algorithm were: speed and accuracy. That is: close to frame-rate performance, and
error in pose estimation smaller than a few millimeters. The algorithm proposed uses only three model features, and yet it is very accurate and robust. For that reason both constraints were satisfied the algorithm runs at 60 fps (30 fps for each stereo image) an a PIII-800MHz computer, and the pose of the object is calculated within an uncertainty of 2.4 mm in translation and 1.5 degree in rotation.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3473-3478, Sept. 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
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