Recent Submissions

  • Dry beans 

    (U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service. Agricultural Research Service., 1971)
    "The best buy in the meat group. Give us energy. Help build muscle blood. Use cooked beans: alone, in soups, with meats, in salads."--Page 1.
  • Enriched rice 

    (U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service. Agricultural Research Service., 1971)
    "There is no waste. Every bit can be eaten. Always ready to use. Helps give you energy for work and play. Do not wash or rinse enriched rice."--Page 1.
  • Canned chopped meat or canned luncheon meat 

    (U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service. Agricultural Research Service., 1971)
    "Good to eat and good for you. Eat the meat right from the can or bake it like ham (with a little mustard and sugar on it) or slice it and fry it or cut it in strips and use it in a salad (with greens, tomatoes and cheese) ...
  • Raisins 

    (U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service. Agricultural Research Service., 1971)
    "Raisins are a ready-to-eat energy food. Raisins help build blood. Use raisins: for snacks, with cereal, in salads, desserts, main dishes."--Page 1.
  • Nonfat dry milk (non-instant) 

    (U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service. Agricultural Research Service., 1971)
    "Nonfat dry milk (non-instant) is made from fresh milk. Nonfat milk can be used in place of fresh milk for drinking and cooking. Milk helps build strong bones, good teeth and muscle."--Page 1.