MU Sharing Days posters - Education and training category (access restricted to MU)
This collection contains posters from the University of Missouri Health Innovation and Improvement Sharing Days -- Education & training category, including undergraduate and graduate health professions, nursing and medicine, medical and surgical residencies and fellowships; continuing education including professional and staff development; and patient / family education types of studies, as well as interdisciplinary studies, teaching methods, and competency achievement types of studies.
The items in this collection are theses that are available only to members of the University of Missouri-Columbia campus. All rights reserved to the authors.
Recent Submissions
Workplace violence prevention training program
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2017)"Background & Significance: 74 percent of nonfatal injuries, violent events, and occupational assaults occurred within health care and social services.10 Workplace violence is highly prevalent, yet often underreported for ... -
Tiger Tot Mommies Group at Women's and Children's hospital
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Improve patient satisfaction by improving our marketing strategies to reach more mothers and families in the community. "--Aim statement. -
Time clock education module
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Decrease number of exception log entries and time spent correcting staff exception log entries." -
The importance of seat belt safety
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Seatbelt usage is a major problem in Missouri since it is one of the few states without a primary seat belt law. Nationally 86 percent of people wear seatbelts, while only 79 percent in Missouri use safety belts. In 2014, ... -
The impact of adaptive behavior in smoking on preterm infants and RSV readmissions, phase I
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Develop education tool on the risks of 2ndand 3rdhand smoke"--Plan. -
The effectiveness of cares dementia training modules on delivery of person centered care inside a memory care unit : utilizing the cares observational tool
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)As of 2015, an estimated 5.3 million Americans covering various age ranges have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) or a related dementia. AD is the only cause of death among the top 10 in America that cannot be ... -
The academic assistance program at the University of Missouri--Columbia's school of medicine (2017)
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2017)"The OME deans and Education Program Manager developed the Academic Assistance Program under the following premises: Providing assistance for all students (including the best prepared ones) will have positive repercussions ... -
The academic assistance program at the University of Missouri--Columbia school of medicine (2018)
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2018)"The Medical Education deans and Education Program Manager developed the Academic Assistance Program under the following premises: Providing assistance for all students (including the best prepared ones) will have positive ... -
Teaching online graduate health assessment & promotion
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Educate master's and doctoral students in advanced assessment and health promotion skills in a lifespan population in the online learning setting."--Purpose. -
Surprise discharges
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2017)"To improve timely notification of changes in the final discharge plan to the Case Manager or Social Worker with all necessary information, including required documentation and orders." -
Student vetting / badge process
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"By 5/1/2016, we will increase the number of students by 20 percent who have received a hospital badge by the effective date." -
Standardized pediatric gastrostomy tube teaching
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"To prevent G-tube complications, expedite discharge and insure patient safety when going home."--Aim statement. -
Show-me echo project : state wide capacity building program
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Project utilizes telemedicine technologies to deliver care and education to rural and underserved areas. The Missouri Telehealth Network at the University of Missouri ... -
Show me ECHO : ENDO ECHO-changing the landscape of endocrinology and diabetes care in Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"The Extension for Community Health Care Outcomes (ECHO) Project utilizes telemedicine technologies to deliver care and education to rural and underserved areas. Show-Me ECHO is a replication of ECHO project. It's goal is ... -
Show-me ECHO : ECHO autism-providing expert and timely care to children in need
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Project utilizes telemedicine technologies to expand care and education to rural and underserved areas. Show-Me ECHO's goal is to educate providers in underserved ... -
Reducing unplanned readmissions on the surgical specialties service line
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"By March 2016 Surgical Specialties Service Line will decrease the readmission rate for patients discharged from Surgical Specialties (7W) from 10 percent to 8.5 percent through the use of a standard discharge resource ... -
Reducing tracheostomy related hospital acquired pressure injuries in MICU
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2018)"Project Aim: To decrease Incidence rate of tracheostomy-related HAPIs in the Medical Intensive Care Unit from 0.48 to 0.43 (a decrease of 10 percent), and increase nursing compliance and documentation of tracheostomy care ... -
Reading leadership : opportunities to increase discussion among students in an introduction to health informatics course
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"The purpose is to evaluate the process of student led discussion on peer reviewed health informatics articles by offering more than one method of participation in an Introduction to Health Informatics course."--Purpose. -
Proper chemical hazard labeling : formalin warning labels on stored containers
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"To meet the OSHA and CAP compliance standards for specific hazard warning labels, including formalin, on secondary containers. OSHA GEN.76200 Chemical Precautionary Labels -Precautionary Labels are present on the containers ... -
Preventing falls : a communitywide education project
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2016)"Increase community awareness of fall-prevention strategies through various communications and public relations tools, including news releases, media placements, social media posts, video and photography."--Aim.