Severe babesiosis in an asplenic patient requiring red cell exchange
Babesiosis is a rare, tick-borne infectious disease, caused mostly by the parasite Babesia microti in the United States. It is frequently transmitted through the bite of the Ixodes scapularis tick. Babesiosis is characterized by red cell disruption and intravascular hemolysis. Severe cases can be life-threatening and are associated with asplenia, advanced age, and other causes of impaired immune function. Treatment is typically with antibiotics. However, for severe cases, the use of red cell exchange has been reported with debate about its efficacy. Here, we report a complex case of babesiosis with a parasitemia of 22% that required two red cell exchange procedures and multiple antibiotics in a patient with a history of asplenia.
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AJHM Volume 7 Issue 1 (Jan-March 2023)
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