Now showing items 1-20 of 23
An Analysis of retail yield of beef carcasses
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1964)
Characteristics of flow in trapezoidal and triangular irrigation furrows
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1964)
Environmental physiology and shelter engineering with special reference to domestic animals. LV, Energy metabolism and related thermoregulatory reactions in Brown Swiss, Holstein, and Jersey calves during growth at 50 degrees and 80 degrees F temperatures
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1960)
The effect of a varying moisture supply upon the development and composition of the maize plant at different periods of growth
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1925)
The functional individuality of the mammary glands of the udder of the dairy cow
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1934)
New knowledge : one year's work, Agricultural Experiment Staiton : report of the Director, July 1, 1923 to June 30, 1924
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1925)
Composition of the bovine at birth
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1920)
Formation in vitro of highly active thyroproteins, their biologic assay, and practical use
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1942)
The yield and composition of the milk of dairy cows and goats as influenced by thyroxine
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1940)
1888-1984, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service publications
(University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries, 1986)
Publications, University of Missouri Extension, 1997-01
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 1997)
Integrating cover crops into crop rotations in upstate Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2018)
"There is an increasing emphasis on management strategies such as reduced tillage, use of cover crops, and implementation of conservation practices (i.e. terraces, no-till, and cropping systems) in Missouri cropping systems. By combining best...
Habitat use and home range of American bitterns (Botuarus lentiginosus) and monitoring of inconspicuous marsh birds in northwest Minnesota
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
), Pied-billed Grebes (Podilymbus podiceps), Soras (Porzana carolina), and Virginia Rails (Rallus limicola)) is needed to inform conservation and management actions. My research, from 1999 - 2002, examined breeding habitat use and home range of American...
Social capital and membership in dairy cooperatives in Kenya
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2018)
and autonomous, and features member-ownership, member-control and member-benefits. This research is centered around two vertically integrated dairy cooperatives in Kenya; the farmer members are owners of a cooperative that own their processing. The cooperative...
Characterization of diverse soybean genotypes for phosphorus uptake and use efficiency
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)
was aimed at identifying and characterizing soybean genotypes which contrast in their ability to take up P and in their PUE. Results from pot and field experiments with diverse soybean genotypes, including SoyNAM parents, obsolete cultivars, commercial...
Multi-scale factors influencing detection, site occupancy and resource use by foraging bats in the Ozark Highlands of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
Conservation of bat populations requires understanding the associations between bats and their use of resources. We used maximum likelihood to estimate probability of site occupancy using acoustic data for ten species of ...
The demography of Atlantic brant (Branta bernicla hrota)
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)
for greatest understanding of population level processes and to inform prioritization of conservation efforts for Atlantic brant. Future brant research should focus on nutrient dynamics of James Bay staging areas, identifying core breeding areas and quantifying...
Pediatric Lead Poisoning and The Built Environment in Kansas City, Missouri 2000-2013
This study examines relationships between pediatric lead poisoning and the built environment. Focusing on Kansas City, Missouri between the years 2000 and 2013 this dissertation informs policy options and identifies under-explored lines of inquiry...
Identification and characterization of health-promoting benefits and bioactive molecules in black walnuts (Juglans nigra l.) and waste materials from agroforestry systems
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
selected and cultivated for nut production by the University of Missouri - Center for Agroforestry (Columbia, MO, USA). Additionally, it is likely that the bioactive activities of black walnut are correlated with its bioactive constituents including...
Soybean stem nutrient dynamics, water-use efficiency, and shoot hydraulic pathway changes along 90 years of breeding
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
Soybean yield has improved due to genetic advancements and better agronomic practices, affecting various traits. This research investigates changes in soybean stem nutrient concentration and remobilization with the year of cultivar release. Modern...