Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Profitable poultry : raising birds on pasture (2012)
(University of Missouri Extension, 2012)
Profitable poultry : raising birds on pasture (2002)
(University of Missouri Extension, 2002)
This publication features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a new "how-to" guide to raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures....
Publications, University of Missouri Extension, 2006-11
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2006)
Publications, University of Missouri Extension, 2017-05
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2017)
Catalog of CDs, software, videos and hardcopy publications of the University of Missouri Extension Office....
Location pattern of the meat packing industry, 1950-1965
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1968)
"Objectives of the Study: The objective of this study was to make a case study of locational influences in meat packing in recent years, and thereby both to learn something about the location economics of that industry and ...
Three essays on the Conservation Reserve Program
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
, sequestering carbon, and providing wildlife habitat (FSA, 2018). In order to evaluate the net impact of the program on the environment and on agricultural markets, it is important to understand both direct and indirect effects. The study fills gaps...
Improving ligament tissue scaffold with the use of genipin and gold nanoparticles
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
Decellularized tissue is used for a wide array of tissue injuries with tendon and ligament repair being among the most common. However, despite their frequent use there is concern over the lengthy inflammatory period and ...
A review and reappraisal of speculative limit establishment procedures as applied to the Chicago Board of Trade wheat, corn, and soybean markets under non-crisis conditions
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 1973)
This study was undertaken to review and reappraise the regulatory rationale applied in the establishment of speculative trading and position limits by the Commodity Exchange Authority of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Following a review...
Missouri alumnus, volume 004, number 08 (1916 May)
(MU Alumni Association, University of Missouri, 1916)
University of the State of Missouri, report by curators to the governor, contains catalogue, announcements, and other matter pertaining to the university, year ending June 24, 1875
(Regan & Carter, State Printers and Binders, 1875)
An economic analysis of the agricultural development potential for Southern Honduras
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 1975)
for various resources r which would provide guidance for making investment decisions; and (3) to derive policy recommendations for the purpose of agricultural development in Southern Honduras. A survey of 449 randomly selected sample farms, including 686...
Evolution, transmission, and clinical impacts of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)
[EMBARGOED UNTIL 12/1/2024] Influenza and coronaviruses are leading causes of human respiratory diseases, causing substantial global impact. The ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses continues to trigger ...
Design and optimization of nanoformulation loaded with HIV microbicides
and spherical nanostructure with no detectable drug crystals. The NC have longer sustained drug release profile than nanosphere (NS) control, with a good fit to the Ritger-Peppas model of drug release (R2 > 0.930). In chapter 4, we test the hypothesis...
Bugs, Drugs and Data: Antibiotic Resistance, Prevalence and Prediction of Bug-Drug Mismatch using Electronic Health Records (EHR) Data
Bug-Drug Mismatch (BDM) occurrences are an important and modifiable category of inappropriate antibiotic therapy (IAAT) that increases adverse outcomes for patients and drives overall antibiotic resistance (AR). Surveillance ...
Growth and development with special reference to domestic animals. I, Quantitative data.
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1926)
The oviduct, sperm, and eggs : a multiomics AI integrated in vivo characterization during pregnancy
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
The oviduct comprises 4 main regions: infundibulum (oocyte pick-up), ampulla (fertilization), isthmus (sperm capacitation and reservoir, preimplantation embryonic development), and uterotubal junction (sperm and embryo ...
Structural inferences for reverse transcribing viruses and drug resistance
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2019)
, and as we've seen with extensive HIV-1 studies, can be thrown into disarray through targeted drug design. The implications of this work stand to benefit the study of plant pararetroviruses and could greatly inform the study of HBV RT, which to this day has...
Some Alternatives to Model Selection and New Approaches to Computing for the Economics. 12/6/2014
This interdisciplinary dissertation in statistics, economics, and social science
methodology derives a methodological approach for economics from philosophical
principles, identi es barriers to its adoption, and presents ...
Rheological and morphological evolution of basaltic lava flows
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2018)
Over 500 million people live in proximity of an active volcano globally. Although lava flows rarely endanger human life, they often destroy critical infrastructure. Advancing our understanding of lava flow dynamics is ...