Now showing items 2925-2944 of 6348

    International series (Columbia, Mo ) ; 3 [1]
    International series (Columbia, Mo ) ; 4 [1]
    International series (Columbia, Mo ) ; 5 [1]
    International series (Columbia, Mo ) ; 7 [2]
    International series (Columbia, Mo ) ; 8 [1]
    International series (Columbia, Mo ) ; 9 [1]
    Interrelation between protein intake, endogenous nitrogen excretion, and biological value of protein. [1]
    Interrelations between temperatures of rumen (at various depths), rectum, blood, and environmental air, and the effects of an antipyretic, feed and water consumption. [1]
    The intracellular distribution of radioiodine labeled lactogenic hormone in the rabbit mammary gland [1]
    An investigation in transplanting [1]
    An investigation of the dipping and fumigation of nursery stock [1]
    An investigation of the effects of urban expansion on the taxation of real property in west central Missouri [1]
    Investigations for the benefit of the Missouri farmer : work of the Agricultural Experiment Station during the year ending June 30, 1944 [1]
    Investigations in the use of nitrate of soda for field crops [1]
    Investigations of agricultural problems : work of the Agricultural Experiment Station during the year ending June 30, 1938 [1]
    Investigations on the hardening process in vegetable plants [1]
    Irrigation potential of Missouri claypan prairie regions [1]
    Irrigation practices and costs in southeastern Missouri, 1959 [1]
    Irrigation practices and costs in southeastern Missouri, 1960 [1]
    The "Joiners" : what are they like? [1]