Now showing items 62-81 of 249

    The economic feasibility of an integrated woody biomass harvest in the Missouri Ozark Highlands [1]
    Editing for taste in a 24-hour news cycle : balancing immediacy and sensationalism against the role of the journalist in the case of Nodar Kumaritashvili [1]
    Editorial personality: factors that make editorial writers successful [1]
    Effect of increasing trimethylamine and organic matter concentration on stable carbon isotopes of methane produced in hypersaline, substrate limited environments [1]
    Effect of lactic acid source on properties of silver carp restructured with alginate gel [1]
    The effect of modality and response strategy on evaluations of credibility and reputation [1]
    The effect of product involvement on socially responsible consumer behavior [1]
    Effect of rootstock on vegetative growth, yield, and fruit composition of Norton grapevines [1]
    The effect of troponin I phosphorylation on the steepness of the Frank-Starling relationship [1]
    Effect of zinc oxide and silver nanoparticles on intestinal bacteria [1]
    Effectiveness of participatory approaches in sustainable rural development: analyzing case studies in Uzbekistan [1]
    Effects of a commercial feed additive on production losses during acute heat stress conditions in mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows [1]
    Effects of a consortia probiotic inoculant on soil microorganisms and impacts on autoinducers employed in quorum sensing [1]
    Effects of literacy environmental factors on fourth graders' mathematics-related outcomes in Finland [1]
    Effects of maturity and production stage on residual feed intake classification of beef cows [1]
    The effects of political message frames on aggression [1]
    Effects of prescribed burning on ground-foraging ant assemblages [1]
    Effects of reduced protein and diet complexity on performance and cost of nursery pigs [1]
    The effects of reduced protein diets using the Missouri ideal turkey protein on male turkeys from 0 to 21 weeks of age [1]
    Effects of the use of assisted reproduction and high caloric diet consumption on body weight and cardiovascular health of juvenile mouse offspring [1]