Now showing items 52-71 of 112

    The influence of ancestors: kinship and cooperation in Iban ancestor worship [1]
    The influence of body mass and body composition on bone functional adaptation [1]
    The influence of climate and population structure on East Asian skeletal morphological variation [1]
    Intrinsic properties of bone as predictors of differential survivorship [1]
    Is 2d:4d a stable trait during child development? [1]
    Kin and community : tradition maintenance and the economic self-sufficiency of refugees in a Midwestern town [1]
    Land inheritance and gender : social factors affecting land inherited in rural Bangladesh [1]
    Late woodland cultural adaptations in the lower Missouri River valley : archery, warfare, and the rise of complexity [1]
    Life in the late Intermediate Period at Armatambo, Peru [1]
    Longitudinal assessment of age-related change in the dental pulp chamber and age estimation using dental radiographs [1]
    Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae: classification of variation and association with low back pain [1]
    Maori moko : a costly signal? [1]
    Merchant mothers and fishermen fathers : parental investment and subsistence work among the boat-dwelling Shodagor of rural Bangladesh [1]
    Micaceous mindsets: chemical characterization of Pueblo IV utility wares at multiple sites along the Rio Grande [1]
    Mid-Holocene climate change in three cave sites from central Missouri from mammalian body mass distributions [1]
    Middle and late woodland period cultural transmission, residential mobility, and aggregation in the deep South [1]
    Mitochondrial ancient DNA analysis of Lawson cave black bears (Ursus americanus) [1]
    Modeling social connectivity and the spread of the 1918-1919 flu through Inupiat and Yup'ik communities of western Alaska [1]
    Modeling the spread of the 1918 Influenza pandemic in a Newfoundland community [1]
    The north smelter at Titelberg: post-imperial bronze recycling in Belgic Gaul [1]