Now showing items 309-328 of 329

    U.S. apple market response to change in pesticide regulations [1]
    U.S. beef trade in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement : analysis of relevant markets and potential scenarios [1]
    Understanding parental involvement, attitudes, and input on an emergent school-based newcomer center [1]
    Understanding parental involvemnet, attitudes, and input on an emergent school-based newcomer center [1]
    Uneven portraits [1]
    Unveiling extreme metal festival producers : the emergence of narrative identities [1]
    Uppermost mantle shear wave attenuation in China [1]
    Urea fertilizer placement effects on soil greenhouse gas emissions and corn growth [1]
    The use of ventilator-acquired pulmonary mechanics and computed tomography in the assessment of interventions for experimental feline asthma [1]
    Using machine learning approach to predict enzyme family classes by fusing AM-PSE-AAC and PSE-PSSM [1]
    Using relative dating and seriation to identify trends in Northeastern Missouri Late Woodland period pottery decoration [1]
    The validity and craft of write-around celebrity magazine profiles [1]
    Walk this way : a contextualization of the Dance of Death in MS M.359 [1]
    Wearable sensing analysis : identifying alcohol drinking from daily physiological data [1]
    Weather's effect on NHL attendance [1]
    What is driving Chinese foreign direct investment in Latin America? [1]
    What's driving Chinese foreign direct investment in Latin America? [1]
    When the lights go out, how do they turn back on? : a classic grounded theory on the transition out of the National Football League (NFL) [1]
    Why people share news about vaccinations on Facebook : a uses and gratifications approach [1]
    Wireless communication for small floor pads to detect personnel activity [1]