Now showing items 377-396 of 396

    Ultrasound assisted liposuction [abstract] [1]
    Understanding clinical communication [abstract] [1]
    Understanding the correlation between coronal plane tibial plateau fractures and the Schatzker classification system [1]
    Unrecognized depression in hospitalized medicine patients [1]
    Upper GI bleeding with myocardial infarction : evaluation of safety for endoscopy [1]
    The use of hi-fidelity mannequin for status epilepticus simulation to enhance medical student's performance [1]
    Use of lighted ureteral stents in laparoscopic bowel surgery [abstract] [1]
    The use of the Nintendo Wii for balance and cognition as a trement modality in occupational therapy in persons with multiple sclerosis for increased independence in activities of daily living [abstract] [1]
    Using high temporal resolution ( HTR) MRI method to analyze the left ventricular function of a diabetic rat model [abstract] [1]
    Using neurofeedback training in children with autism spectrum disorder [abstract] [1]
    Using ultrasound to assess first year sonography students for wrist injury [1]
    Utrophin up-regulation helps maintain normal cardiac geometry in a gene therapy model for Duhenne muscular dystrophy heart disease [abstract] [1]
    The validity of thoracolumbar injury classification and biomechanical approach in the clinical outcome of operative and non-operative treatments [1]
    Verbal pain scores and their association with vital signs before and after surgery [abstract] [1]
    Viability of chondrocytes embedded in agarose gel [abstract] [1]
    Vocal dynamics in expressing emotions in classical, pop, and jazz styles of singing [abstract] [1]
    Vulnerable road user safety assessment [1]
    Western diet promotes intratumor bacteria colonization and advances pancreatic Ductal adenocarcinoma [1]
    What is the location and extent of pathology in surgical cases of chronic biceps tendinopathy undergoing subpectoral bicep tenodesis? [1]
    What is the prevalence of a bicornuate uterus and the impact it has on reproduction? [abstract] [1]