Now showing items 63-82 of 408

    The cognitive reflection test : a measure of intuition reflection, numeracy, and insight problem solving, and the implications of understanding real-world judgments and beliefs [1]
    Cohen's kappa as a method for link prediction [1]
    College students' reasons for abstaining or limiting drinking: factor structure, predictors, and relations to abstention and alcohol-related outcomes [1]
    Common and specific alcohol risk factors in African Americans and Caucasians [1]
    Communication withdrawal in adolescent and young adult romantic relationships [1]
    The comprehensive arrogance scale [1]
    Considering cultural factors in the links between disclosure and relatinship quality in U.S. Latinx families [1]
    Considering the role of cardiac vagal tone in adolescents' behaviors within friendships [1]
    Consistecy [sic] in reporting of lifetime alcohol use disorder diagnoses [1]
    Construal levels and the reactivity of state self-esteem to positive and negative experiences [1]
    Content reinstatement and source confidence during episodic memory retrieval [1]
    Contrasting smokers' and nonsmokers' subjective reactions to alcohol during ecologically assessed drinking episodes [1]
    Conversational self focus in youths' friendships [1]
    Correlates of affective instability in borderline personality disorder : an assessment using the electronically activated recorder (EAR) [1]
    Cost-benefit analysis of multisystemic therapy for serious and violent juvenile offenders and their siblings [1]
    Cost-benefit analysis of multisystemic therapy with serious and violent juvenile offenders [1]
    The costs and benefits of dampening of positive affect in youth [1]
    Criminal behavior patterns of adolescents and young adults who have histories of sexual offenses [1]
    Cultural cognition : the epistemic function of worldviews [1]
    A culturally appropriate mindfulness intervention to reduce health disparities among African Americans : feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of mantram repetition [1]