Now showing items 69-88 of 127

    The lived experiences of first responders during emergency events involving children [1]
    Long-distance dating relationships among college students : the benefits and drawbacks of using technology [1]
    Longitudinal links between marital quality and prosocial behavior in adolescence : the mediating roles of coparenting and adolescents' emotion regulation and sympathy [1]
    Longitudinal links between maternal parenting behaviors in early childhood and academic outcomes and mother-child relationship quality in middle childhood [1]
    Longitudinal relations among parenting daily hassles, child rearing, and prosocial behaviors in Turkish children [1]
    Major life-changing events and preferred retirement time among older adults : evidence from the 1992 to 2014 health and retirement study [1]
    Marital conflict and spousal wellbeing : the moderating role of emotion regulation strategies among couples in first married families and stepfamilies [1]
    Measuring the quality of informal home-based care programs [1]
    Mediating effects of youth-serving programs on adjustment in youth with temporarily-absent parents [1]
    Mobile aging: A randomized trial of mobility transition counseling for high-risk older adults [1]
    The moderating role of behavioral self-regulation in relations between neighborhood connection and adolescents' positive adjustment [1]
    Mother adolescent relationships and mental health five years later : the moderating effect of chronic medical conditions [1]
    The nature of evidence utilized in healthcare architectural design decisions at five Midwestern critical access hospitals [1]
    Negotiating the legal divorce process: mothers' perceptions and experiences of the legal system [1]
    older adults developing a preference for LAT [1]
    Older childless adults' inter-vivos transfers of emotional, instrumental, and financial support and predictors of giving to kin and non-kin [1]
    On autonomy support : low-income mothers' parenting of young children in contemporary China and the U.S. [1]
    Parent attachment and prosocial behaviors in Asian Indian young adults : prosocial moral reasoning and respect for family as intervening mechanisms [1]
    Parent-child relationship factors associated with emotional adjustment and academic engagement in the transition to college [1]
    Pediatric nursing care with post-divorce families : a multiple segment factorial vignette investigation [1]