Now showing items 87-106 of 127

    Parent-child relationship factors associated with emotional adjustment and academic engagement in the transition to college [1]
    Pediatric nursing care with post-divorce families : a multiple segment factorial vignette investigation [1]
    Perceived norms and help-seeking intentions among college student-athletes [1]
    Predicting Latino adolescents' dental exam occurrence [1]
    Preschoolers' endogenously triggered self-regulation [1]
    (Re)constructing family images : stepmotherhood before motherhood [1]
    The relations between parenting and prosocial behaviors: mediating roles of moral reasoning and familism in Nicaragua [1]
    Relations between videogame play and 8th-graders' mathematics achievement [1]
    Relations between youths' conceptions of spirituality and their developmental outcomes [1]
    Relationship status, social networks, and wellbeing among older adults / [1]
    Religious similarity and relationship quality [1]
    Religiousness and marital quality : a test of the relational spirituality framework [1]
    The role of parent-child conversations and attributional biases in children's prosocial and aggressive behaviors [1]
    The role of positive father involvement in the associations among stressful family life events, family functioning, and parental warmth in predicting children's sociobehavioral health in Korean families [1]
    The role of relationship quality in vocabulary acquisition : evidence from Spanish-speaking preschoolers [1]
    Romantic partner communication, familism values, and Latinx young adults' relationship maintenance [1]
    Romantic relationship involvement during early and middle adolescence : associations with depressive symptoms, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and sexual activity [1]
    Rural low-income mothers' perspectives on children's feeding practices [1]
    Short-term weekly effects of ethnic-racial discrimination on academic outcomes : ethnic-racial socialization and ethnic-racial identity as moderators [1]
    Social skills and siblings in India [1]