Now showing items 57-76 of 116

    Help! I've Voted But I Can't Get Up! Competency, Electoral Participation, and Assisted Care Living [abstract] [1]
    Identification of genes associated with root architecture under water stress in Zea mays L. [abstract] [1]
    Identification of hydrophobic sites on UV irradiated beta crystallins from bovine lenses [abstract] [1]
    Identification of QTL associated with root architecture under well-watered, and water-stressed conditions in Zea mays [abstract] [1]
    Identifying need for palliative care in nursing homes: Nursing's critical role [abstract] [1]
    Identifying out of context smiling in children: Are they really happy? [abstract] [1]
    The impact of parental divorce on college age offspring's perception of romantic/marital commitment [abstract] [1]
    The impacts of lynchings on African-American out-migration from rural Missouri, 1865-1935 [abstract] [1]
    Importance of gene expression in corn [abstract] [1]
    Improvement of agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transfer in soybean (glycine max) [abstract] [1]
    Improving communication between international and U.S. students at MU [abstract] [1]
    Investigation of the properties of ketamine on rat Mu opioid receptors expressed in Xenopus frog oocytes [abstract] [1]
    Ischemia-induced increase in the expression of the regulators of G-protein signaling subtype7 (RGS7) in gerbil hippocampus [abstract] [1]
    Isolation and profiling of integral membrane proteins from developing Brassica napus [abstract] [1]
    Isolation of novel Arabidopsis mutant plants altered in their pathogen defense response [abstract] [1]
    Lubricity testing with biodiesel blends [abstract] [1]
    Marketing research: Assisting decisions of the MU Career Center [abstract] [1]
    Maternal report of emotional response duration in young children's developmental psychology [abstract] [1]
    Methodology for interference analysis using electromagnetic topology techniques [abstract] [1]
    Mitochondrial mutations in tumor and in nipple aspirate fluid [abstract] [1]