Behavioral effects of three social conditions of reinforcement on an inpatient token reinforcement system
Applied research in clinical settings substantiates the beneficial effects of group operant systems with a variety of patient populations and problems. Additional proof of either the clinical potential or efficacy of reinforcement programs for psychiatric patients is unnecessary at this time. Currently, research is needed in the following three broad areas: (a) the refinement of operant system procedures leading to improvements in the acquisition, maintenance, and transfer of desirable patient behavior, (b) the clarification of the comparative behavioral effects of the numerous social conditions of reinforcement, and (c) the extension of group operant systems to diverse populations within institutional settings. The current research is directed towards the first two areas of inquiry and involves three social conditions of reinforcement. The three conditions are investigated on the wards of a state mental hospital. All three are of "practical" importance in that they can be used in a variety of clinical settings.
Ph. D.
Thesis Department
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